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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

You Deserve to Give Yourself Credit

"Want to be happy? Stop trying to be perfect." — Brené Brown

The other day I met with a client who was SO frustrated because it felt like everything in her life was working against her goals.

She has a demanding job…her family life is hectic…AND she is taking on some new responsibilities with her aging parents.

“There is absolutely no time for ME,” she said.

And you know what? She’s right. She has a TON on her plate.

But instead of working on time management strategies or trying to find creative ways to squeeze in some exercise...

I suggested that she CUT HERSELF SOME SLACK.

Now, I know how incredibly hard that can be.

As women, we tend to focus so much of our attention on everything we AREN'T...

❌ The workouts we AREN'T doing

❌ The books we AREN'T reading

❌ The meals we AREN'T cooking

❌ The weight we AREN'T losing

Instead of stopping to acknowledge everything that we ARE...

✅ The afternoon walks we ARE taking

✅ The water we ARE drinking

✅ The negative thoughts we ARE catching

✅ The progress we ARE making

Remember, being committed to your health isn't about being perfect.

It's about making the daily choice to show up and do the best that you can with what you have in that moment.

And when you keep showing up for yourself, no matter how imperfectly...that's worth celebrating.

So, grant yourself some grace AND GIVE YOURSELF SOME DAMN CREDIT.

You're doing just fine.


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