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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

You CAN Change Your Life

"You're always one decision away from a totally different life." — Mark Batterson

During a recent coaching call, a client was commenting on how their eating habits are entirely different than they were when we first started working together. They told me that a friend, whom they hadn't seen in years, said "You look so different. I've never seen you so happy and positive before". They reflected on how family drama and work stress doesn't impact them like it used to. Oh yeah, and that their weight is the lowest it's been in years and hasn't yo-yoed back up like it used to (even with having a nice meal out every week). This my friends, is CHANGE. You see, most clients come to me saying "I want to lose weight". But underneath the desire to weigh less or wear a smaller size is a deep yearning for CHANGE. The kind of change that goes beyond the physical body, The kind of change that creates a ripple effect throughout your ENTIRE life. A change that people can see, not just because you've lost a few pounds, But because you carry yourself differently. You walk taller. You smile more.

You are more ALIVE.

The weight loss industry is constantly dangling shiny objects in your face, saying “THIS is the ‘real’ solution to your problems!” You're promised lifetime results, but sold short term solutions. ✅ You do the [insert trendy name here] diet/workout/challenge. ✅ You lose weight. ❌ You stop the [insert trendy name here] diet/workout/challenge. ❌ You gain weight.

Over and over and over again. It’s frustrating, defeating and most of all NOT SUSTAINABLE.

But real, lasting change IS possible.

👉 By breaking out of the ‘dieting’ mindset and focusing on building habits rather than following rules You can create an entirely new life for yourself. You can finally take control of your health and happiness by stepping away from deprivation and moving towards nurishment. You can give a big middle finger to all the weight loss industry bull$*** and


Not for a few days or a few weeks.

But for good.

And I'd love to show you how. 🙋‍♀️

Enrollment for my 12 week ‘Reset & Recharge’ program is currently OPEN.

BUT after October 13th, I'm closing the doors to new clients until next year.

So if you're tired of dieting, Tired of starting over on Monday, Tired of wanting more for yourself and your life,

Then I highly recommend that you send me a message so we can have a conversation and see if this is the right fit for you.

I can’t guarantee it is (and I will be honest with you if it isn’t). But either way, let’s have a chat to see how my 12 week ‘Reset & Recharge’ program could work for you.


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