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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Why You Need an Action Plan to Build Healthy Eating Habits

"Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan." — Pablo Picasso

I hear so many health coaches say that the reason you keep falling off track with your eating habits is because you simply aren’t trying hard enough.


cough cough NO IT’S NOT. cough


Let’s be real  — if building healthy eating habits were solely about effort, you would have achieved that goal YEARS ago.


The issue isn't lack of effort. 

The issue is lacking a personalized ACTION PLAN.  


Let me explain…


Having a personalized Action Plan is the KEY to forming new habits. It transforms vague, overwhelming goals like “eat healthier” or “lose weight” into small, MANAGEABLE steps tailored to:


  • Where you're starting from

  • The resources you have (like time, money, support, etc), and 

  • Your unique skills and strengths


To put it simply: It doesn’t matter how hard you work at changing your eating habits if you don’t ALSO have a clear, realistic plan that’s built around YOUR life.


^Read that again.


And I know that creating a well-thought-out Action Plan might seem like a whole lotta work.


But it doesn’t have to be a daunting task.


Creating an Action Plan can be as simple as…

➡️ Breaking your BIG goal down into a smaller benchmark that's achievable in the next 4-6 weeks

➡️ Listing SMALL steps to move you from where you are now to that first benchmark

➡️ Committing to 1-3 of those steps to take this week


...but it likely doesn’t involve buying another generic meal plan or diet book.


So if you want to FINALLY build consistent healthy eating habits and break the cycle of starting over every Monday,


👉 Check out this week's live training inside my free, private FB Group "The Messy Practice" to learn How to Create an Action Plan that fits your life AND leads you to your goal.



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