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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Why Talking to Yourself Will Change Your Life

"We get to experience the same thing in very different ways with different parts of ourselves." — Neil Gaiman

Lately I've been spending a lot of time thinking about the messy middle between self-compassion and self-integrity.

If we want to create change in our lives, then we need to be self-integral.

We have to DO the things we say we are going to do.

And not just the things we say we are going to do for other people, but more importantly the things we say we are going to do for ourselves.


Most Well Intentioned Women have been battling an inner bully for as long as they can remember,

And are quick to tear themselves down the second they fall short of who or what they think they "should" be or do.

So then, how do you hold yourself accountable to the commitments you make to yourself while also forgiving yourself for not ALWAYS following through on them?

👉 You need to get those two parts of yourself talking to each other.

We all know the value of good communication for healthy relationships,'s no different when it comes to the relationship we have with ourselves.

We need to have good communication between the different parts of ourselves. And when it comes to creating change, we especially need to have the Compassionate Self and the Integral Self in conversation DAILY.

Because when these two aren't talking to each other, 1 of 2 things is bound to happen...

1 - You end up using "self-compassion" as a blanket excuse for never keeping your word to yourself. You're always "too busy", "too tired", "too stressed" or "too overwhelmed" to follow through on the actions you say you want to do. And eventually you create a perception of yourself that is fragile and incapable of doing hard things.

2 - You take so much pride in your ability to "push through" that you routinely run yourself into the ground. You're overly concerned about what other people will think of you if you were to: set boundaries, take a vacation or even let an email go unanswered. And eventually you abandon your self-care behaviors because you MUST uphold your commitments to others first.

Do either of these scenarios sound familiar to you?

If so, which "self" do you need to give more of a voice to?

For most of us, there are seasons of life where we need to listen to one more than the other BUT there will always be a need for the both perspectives.

Because if you want to live a healthy, happy and meaningful life,

You need to get better at confronting yourself AND comforting yourself.

At examining your own behavior AND forgiving your shortcomings.

At asking yourself difficult questions AND treating yourself with kindness.

Inside the "Empowered Eating Blueprint", you'll learn how to get both the Compassionate Self and the Integral Self talking to each other so that you can overcome your obstacles to healthy eating AND start showing up more consistently as the kind of woman you want to be.

In the coming weeks I'll be sharing more details about the program, but in the meantime,

Make sure to put your name on the waitlist if you're ready to get those parts of yourself talking each other.


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