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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

When Things Don't Go According to Plan

I got married!

And while the weather was perfect, the ceremony beautiful and the reception a ton of fun, I cannot say with any honesty that things went according to plan.

We had done everything in our power to prepare for the wedding.

  • We had multiple WhatsApp chat groups.

  • We had a Google Sheets file with tabs for food allergies, expenses, transportation, song lists, etc.

  • We made a guest itinerary complete with QR codes and Google map links.

  • We had SO MANY MEETINGS with the wedding planner, his assistant and chef.

Yet despite all of our planning, things still went "wrong".

  • Our family and friends who traveled to Colombia from the US were stranded at the airport for over 2 hours, waiting for a bus that never showed up (even though it was confirmed AND payed for in advance).

  • The rental property at the wedding site was without power or water for the first night we were there.

  • Our bank account in Colombia was frozen multiple times (because of the large transfers being made) leading to many frustrated hours spent with customer service.

  • My sister came down with a bad flu and had to miss our post wedding brunch.

  • We took a sailing trip where I got sea sick and threw up for an hour straight.

  • One friend lost her cell phone.

  • Another friend tripped and badly twisted her ankle.

  • A third friend got locked in a bathroom (and had to literally break down the door to get out) and then minutes later was stung by a bee.

In the end, it didn't matter how much preparation we did - there were still moments of frustration, sadness and vomit (😐) just as there were still moments of love, joy and laughter.

It was all absolutely unpredictable but it was also all absolutely temporary.

Things rarely happen exactly as we think they will just as no moment - "good" or "bad" - is an everlasting one.

We can focus our energy on the things within our control - our thoughts, actions and emotions - or foolishly try to control things outside of ourselves.

We can accept the uncertainty and impermanence of life, or resist it's reality - resulting in fear, anger and anxiety.

"Somehow, in the process of trying to deny that things are always changing, we lose our sense of the sacredness of life. We tend to forget that we are part of the natural scheme of things." – Pema Chödrön

In times of stress and uncertainty I often turn to the works of American Tibetan Buddhist Pema Chödrön, particularly "When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times".

With the COVID-19 pandemic bringing painful clarity to the realities of life - of impermanence and uncertainty - I encourage you to turn to the teachings and activities that bring you solace as well as build your resiliency.

Exercise reduces stress, builds resilience and boosts your immune system - and you don't need ANY equipment to get in a good sweat.

Check out this bodyweight workout I made that can be done with only 2 towels and a hardwood or tiled floor.

Adjust your exercise difficulty, number of reps/rounds and work/rest intervals to your fitness level.

Beginner? Choose the level 1 exercises, lower reps/rounds for the strength work and an equal or positive work to rest ratio for the finisher (ie 30:30 or 20:40).

Beast? Choose the level 2 exercises, higher reps/rounds and a negative work to rest ratio for the finisher (ie 30:15 or 40:20).

Warm Up (1 round)

Rest as little as possible between exercises.

  1. Swimmer CARs x5/side

  2. Cobra slides x10

  3. Quadruped hip CARs x5/direction/side

  4. Half kneeling position with pull apart hold x20 seconds/side

  5. Squat with pull apart hold x10

Strength Superset A (3-5 rounds) Rest as little as possible between exercises and 60-90 seconds between rounds.

  1. Plank/Push up with knee tuck x6-15 reps

  2. Sliding reverse/ lateral lunge x6-15/side

Strength Superset B (3-5 rounds) Rest as little as possible between exercises and 60-90 seconds between rounds.

  1. Negative/Sliding hamstring curl x10-20

  2. Bent knee/Straight leg dead bug with pull apart hold x8-15/side

Finisher Rest 15-40 seconds between exercises as well as between rounds.

  1. Towel "flaps" x15-40 seconds

  2. Sliding mountain climber x15-40 seconds

Watch the full video HERE.

“We can make ourselves miserable or we can make ourselves strong. The amount of effort is the same. Right now we are creating our state of mind for tomorrow, not to mention this afternoon, next week, next year, and all the years of our lives.” – Pema Chödrön

How can you focus your energy on the things within your control - your thoughts, actions and emotions - rather than fixating on everything that isn't?

How can you invite change rather than resist it?

How can you face impermanence and uncertainty with bravery, acceptance and grace?


I will be following up later this week with more training and nutrition tips for when resources are limited.

In the meantime, if you need guidance or support on how to maintain your health and fitness goals without going to the gym, let me know!

Also, check out my private Facebook group for more on how to take care of your health - physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally (over the next few weeks and beyond).


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