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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

What to Do if You Keep Falling off Track

"The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." — Thomas Edison

"I was doing SO good and then...


...I got busy."...I went on vacation."

...I changed jobs."

...I got sick." kid/dog/spouse/parent got sick."


Any of that sound familiar?


If so, then you might look back at the multiple attempts you've made to "do better" in the past,


Attempts that always ended with you "falling off track",


And come to the conclusion that you just aren't consistent, or disciplined or motivated enough.


Which might have you doubting your ability to change.


But I want to offer you a different way of looking at this pattern.


For ALL of those attempts that you made,


ALL those times you "fell off track",


You GOT BACK ON just as many times.


Regardless if it was days, weeks, months, or even YEARS later,


You started AGAIN.


And that right there,


That refusal to give up IN SPITE of multiple failed attempts,


Is PROOF that you DO have the ability to change.


Because the key to creating change isn't to NEVER STOP,

It's to always START AGAIN.




Are there ways to become more consistent?

And to reduce the amount of time between falling off and getting back on track?




And I can coach you on how to do both.


But before we can do ANY of that work, you need to let go of this decades-old story that you "can't stick to things" or that "you always give up",


Because in fact, it's the exact opposite.


You are persistent.

You are tenacious.

You are...maybe a bit stubborn. 😜


But you are NOT a quitter.


I'm offering over $1,000 worth of bonuses when you join my Empowered Eating Blueprint program before the end of July. So if you want some help at building more consistency and bouncing back faster, book in a call HERE and let's chat.


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