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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Want to Lose Weight? You Need a Support Team

"Anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you." —Misty Copeland

Last week my husband tested positive for COVID (don't worry, he's doing alright) but the past 2 weeks have definitely been a struggle.

Overnight, all of the household responsibilities fell on me.

All the dog walks.

All the laundry.

All the shopping, cooking and cleaning.

Which left me with very little time for myself.

Now I know that what I dealt with/am dealing with is NOTHING compared to what a single working parent deals with every day.

But it really highlighted to me the value of having support.

It also reminded me of just how grateful I am for all the support I (usually 😜) have in my life.

Because doing everything by yourself, (as I'm sure any single parent will attest to), is a whole lot harder than when you have support.

And having support for your weight loss efforts can mean the difference between success and failure.

Have you assembled a weight loss support team?

Or are you struggling because you are trying to do it all by yourself?

If you are on the struggle bus, consider what kind of support you are lacking.

That support could be:

Emotional Support - Someone to vent to when you're feeling discouraged or overwhelmed. Practical Support - Someone to help you prep healthy meals or to watch the kids while you exercise. Inspirational Support - Someone who encourages you to get out and move on those days when a Netflix binge and bottle of rosé seem like the better option.

To build and/or maintain your weight loss support team, tell your friends and family that you would appreciate their help and be explicit in letting them know how they can help you.

But don't expect one person to be able to provide every kind of support.

👉 Your spouse might provide great emotional support...but that doesn't mean they'll want to eat the same foods you.

👉 Your coworker might be a great workout partner...but that doesn't mean she's someone you can vent to.

👉 That fitspo you follow on Instagram might be inspiring... but that doesn't mean their "Beast Mode" motivational quotes will make it any easier to cook a healthy dinner when you are working 14 hour days.

And if your current social network cannot provide all the support that you need right now, then consider looking elsewhere by:

  1. Hiring a coach (I know a gal)

  2. Joining an online support group led by a professional (like my private Facebook group The Women's Weight Loss Revolution) OR

  3. Participating in neighborhood events or local exercises classes where you can meet new people who share the same goals as you.

But remember that support from others is only good if you are willing to accept the support.

If you enlist a friend or family member, if you hire a coach, if you join a support group, if you sign up for a local class...

You need to reply to their messages.

You need to go to the sessions.

You need to participate in the conversations.

You need to show up and speak up.

Even when you're feeling down and ESPECIALLY when you feel ashamed or when you feel like you "messed up".

Because that's what the support team is for.

But you won't get to take advantage of your awesome support team if you isolate or hide anytime you hit a roadblock. Or if you won't admit that you can't do it all on your own (because NO ONE can). Or if you aren't clear about what help you need. Or if you don't let yourself be vulnerable enough to ask for it. Life is full of challenges. And making changes to your health is definitely one at the top of the list. But it can be a whole lot easier if you have support.

I am so grateful for the team that I have (though I can't wait for my husband to be back on the roster...are you impressed by my sports reference? 😝) and I know for a fact that I wouldn't be as successful without them.

If you don't already have a support team of your own, consider the suggestions above or shoot me an email and we'll get you the help you need.


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