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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Want to Lose Weight for Good? Stop Thinking Like a Dieter.

“Act like the person you want to become.” — Bob Proctor

Yesterday I was listening to an episode of my favorite entrepreneur podcast titled, "3 Things 7-Figure Digital CEOs Do Differently".

I love listening to entrepreneur podcasts not just for my own benefit but also because so many of the messages and lessons can easily be transferred to areas of life outside of business.

And one of the main takeaways of this episode was that the actions, thoughts, beliefs and behaviors that got you from 0 to 6 figures WILL NOT be the same as the ones that get you from 6 to 7 figures.

Just like the actions, thoughts, beliefs and behaviors that got you to where you are today WILL NOT be the same as the ones you'll need to take on in order to create the change you want in your life.

If you want to become a "7-Figure CEO"...well then, you'll need to start thinking and acting like a 7-figure CEO.

And if you want to get off the weight loss roller coaster FOR GOOD and finally live a balanced and sustainably healthy life,

👉 You'll need to stop thinking and acting like a dieter.

Because thinking and acting like a dieter is KEEPING YOU a dieter.


  • Want quick fixes and magical solutions

  • View exercise as a vehicle for weight loss

  • Label foods as "good" and "bad"

  • See themselves as "struggling"

  • Doubt that anything will work for them

  • Think they have to be strict in order to lose weight

  • Believe that they don't have "the answer" and are in constant search of the "right" plan, book or guru

And if you are thinking like this, like a dieter, those are the thoughts that create your feelings. Feelings like desperation, hopelessness, confusion, fear, lack of confidence, anger, resentment, sadness, defeat. And when you practice thinking like a dieter and you create those feelings, you will act on those feelings. You will:

  • Ignore your hunger and fullness cues

  • Restrict entire food groups

  • Have the "last supper" mentality before the start of each new diet

  • Punish yourself with exercise you don't enjoy simply for the "calorie burn"

  • Give up when you don't see immediate results

But if you want to be a woman who is naturally a healthy eater, a woman who feels FREE from rigid diet rules and food guilt, a woman who enjoys being physically active, a woman who is a powerful and unstoppable force,

👉 Then you'll need to start thinking and acting like HER.

A healthy, powerful and unstoppable woman:

  • Exercises to build strength and skill

  • Eats when she is hungry and stops when she is full

  • Doesn't think foods are "good" or "bad"

  • Doesn't think that SHE is "good" or bad" if she occasionally eats too much

  • Doesn't think that the number on the scale determines her worth

  • Can feel joyful, happy and proud EVEN IF she is working on losing weight

  • Knows that she is capable of solving all kinds of problems

So, what kind of woman do you want to be?

Do you want to be a lifelong dieter?

Or do you want to be a woman who doesn't diet and who is at a healthy weight because she is living a life of balance, freedom and non-judgement?

I'm guessing it's probably the latter...🤔

And if that's the case, how can you move towards thinking and acting more like a healthy, powerful and unstoppable woman and away from thinking and acting like a dieter?


Want to learn more about how to stop thinking like a dieter?

Then check out this LIVE training on my Facebook Business page.


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