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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Want to Change? Make Friends With Your Future Self

"The best way to take care of the future is to take care of the present moment." — Thich Nhat Hanh

A little over 15 years ago I got a job as a personal trainer at a gym in New York City.


One of the responsibilities of the new trainers was to do “floor shifts”, where you would help out members, hand out towels and keep the gym floor tidy.


One of the worst things about having floor shifts was when the person who worked before you left the gym an absolute mess. 


This was especially miserable during an opening shift, when the last thing I wanted to do at 5am was re-rack 100lb dumbbells that were left on the complete opposite end of the gym. 


So whenever I had a floor shift, especially a closing shift, I took my tidying job seriously.


Because I didn’t want to be "that person" who left the gym a mess for whoever who was opening the next day.


And I imagine you do similar things to be courteous and thoughtful for other people. 


For example, I'm willing to bet you check the toilet seat before you leave the stall to make sure that it's clean.


Or that you put your shopping cart back after using it instead of leaving it in the middle of the parking lot.


But are you looking out for YOURSELF in the same way?


Or are you "leaving a mess" for your future self to deal with?


Are you staying up late watching Netflix…

So that your future self needs to rely and caffeine and sugar to make it through the day?


Are you neglecting to prepare healthy snacks…

So that your future self has no other options but cookies and tortilla chips when the afternoon "munchies" kick in?


Are you repeatedly skipping your workouts...

So that your future self struggles to climb a flight of stairs without getting out of breath?


Are you repeatedly making things HARDER for your yourself in the future?


If so,


Stop and ask yourself…


What’s keeping me from giving my future self the same thoughtfulness and courtesy that I give to complete strangers and acquaintances?


Because here’s the thing,


If you truly want to improve your health and develop better habits,


You need to stop thinking of your future self as some mythical being that exists in an alternate reality…


And start connecting with and befriending her in the here and now.


Think of it this way,


If your future self were a coworker, neighbor, friend…


Would they APPRECIATE the things current you does for them?


Or would they be angry, frustrated and offended that current you has left a mess for them to deal with (again)?


Your future self deserves courtesy and respect, just as much as your current self does.




Be mindful of how your current behaviors affect her.


Do something TODAY to make things EASIER for her.


And stop making messes for her to have to clean up.




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