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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Trying to Eat Healthier? Avoid These 5 Major Mistakes

"Change is hard because people wear themselves out." — Chip and Dan Heath

If you've been working on improving your eating habits, 


Then you might have noticed that the process it isn't always easy peasy lemon squeezy.


Which is totally normal.


Change is going to feel hard sometimes. 


But HOW you go about changing your eating habits could be making things harder than they need to be.


So, if you've been struggling for more than a few months to make healthy eating habits stick,


Then you might be making one or more of these following mistakes:


 Mistake # 1) Starting with subtraction: 


Most women start a new diet by cutting out specific foods or food groups like sugar, carbs, bread, cookies, chips, etc.


This is (obviously) not enjoyable. And if change feels probably aren't going to stick with it for very long.


More importantly, it doesn't help you learn how to exist with those foods in your life. Because, do you really envision a future where you NEVER eat chips and guac, or fresh sourdough, or cookie dough ice cream again?


 Mistake # 2) Changing too much, too soon: 


Along with cutting things out, most women start a new diet by doing ALL THE THINGS like weighing, measuring, and prepping every single meal or following a detailed meal plan from day 1. Even if the changes you are incorporating are positive, going from 0 to 100 is almost guaranteed to lead to burnout.


Also, it doesn't teach you how to be flexible and adapt your eating habits during busy or stressful times in your life. Because, you might not always have the luxury of spending 3 hours on food prep every Sunday OR you just might not WANT to do that forever (hard to believe, right?).


 Mistake # 3) Majoring in the minors: 


Getting lost in the weeds of greens supplements, "toxins" you must avoid, glyphosate in pasta, dirty dozen lists and whatever new scary nutrition thing is buzzing around social media makes eating healthy seem WAY more complicated than it is.


And when your focus is on the minor details, it ISN'T on the basic "big rocks" of nutrition. And even though the big rocks aren't glamourous (or even all that interesting), they are what drive the most results.


 Mistake # 4) Relying on willpower: 


Telling yourself that you won't eat anything after dinner is nice and all...but if your only plan for when those after dinner cravings come up (because you know they will) is to ignore them, well...I don't think I have to tell you how that's going to work out.


Expecting yourself to "just resist" any time an urge comes up isn't a realistic or helpful plan. Instead, you need to build a variety of supports (I teach 5 foundational supports inside my Empowered Eating Blueprint program) to make it easier to follow through on your intentions without simply relying on willpower alone.


 Mistake # 5) Flying solo: 


Many women think they don't need to get help with their eating habits because they know what they need to do. But here's the thing, you can know what to do and still struggle with doing those things. 


Refusing to get help out of pride and because "you should be able to do this on your own" is choosing to be frustrated, choosing to not make progress and choosing to repeat the same yo-yo cycle over and over again. Is that really a choice to be proud of?



Now, listen.


Changing your eating habits isn't always going to be easy and I'm not going to try and sell you some magical solution that is completely free of any discomfort or challenge (because guess what?...that solution doesn't exist).


But fixing the above mistakes will make it EASIER


And if you want to know the specific steps to take to fix those mistakes,  


Make sure to join me TONIGHT, Wednesday, August 7th at 6:30pm Eastern, for my free Masterclass, The Secret to Making Healthy Eating Habits Stick. 


During this LIVE Masterclass, I'll walk you through my proven 5-step process for making healthy eating an unstoppable habit, even if it feels hard to change.


Go HERE to save your seat!





This is the ONLY time I'll be hosting this event in the month of August and the replay will only be available to those who register, 


So if you want to stop repeating the mistakes that are keeping you stuck,


Make sure to get your name on the list HERE!


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