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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

This Is What's Keeping You From Hitting Your Goals

"I never tried quitting, and I never quit trying." — Dolly Parton

Let me know if any of this sounds like something you've said before:

I was doing so well, and then...⁣ I keep falling off track…⁣ I just need to wait until ___ before I can get started again...⁣

If you've uttered any of the above in the past 2 months, then chances are you haven’t made progress (or as much as you would like) on the goals you set for yourself this year.⁣.

And if that's the case, then let's play a little make-believe.

Pretend you're going on a cross country road trip.

You get the car all packed, put your destination address into your GPS and start driving.

Things are going smoothly but then,

Oh S***!

You get distracted and miss your exit. 🤦‍♀️

Do you,

A) Pull over and sit in your car for hours while you berate yourself for being "stupid"?

B) Turn around and drive back home, because "what's the point, now that you've 'screwed' it all up?"

C) Find the quickest way to navigate back to the direction you need to be going in?


I'm pretty sure you'd go with option "C".

Because it's obvious that if you don't keep driving in the direction of your destination, you'll never get there.

So then why is it any different when you "make a wrong turn" with your health and wellness goals? If you wouldn't expect yourself to drive across the country and NEVER...

  • Miss an exit

  • Hit a pothole

  • Get BORED

  • Need to stop for gas, or a snack or to use the bathroom

...because you know that all of that stuff is pretty normal for a long trip, Then why would you expect yourself to make a complete 180 of your eating, exercise and mindset habits and NEVER fall off track?

Yeah, falling off track every once in awhile isn't the most DIRECT way to reach your goals,

But it won't KEEP YOU from reaching them.

...only quitting will do that.

Because, as long as you "KEEP DRIVING" in the direction of your destination,⁣ regardless of the challenges that you may encounter along the way, 👉 You'll get to where you want to go. It might take slightly longer than you thought, but you'll get there. So the next time you find yourself being self-critical for making a mistake, or for not making progress fast enough, or for not feeling super motivated all the time,

Remind yourself that ALL of that is NORMAL for the kind of journey that you're on.

And that it might feel like a slow process, but quitting won't speed things up.


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