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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Think You’re Not Ready to Get Started?

"You're never ready for what you have to do. You just do it. That makes you ready." — Flora Rheta Schreiber

On Sunday I went to New Jersey to get my hair done and on the very long bus ride home (traffic heading into the city on a Sunday night is miserable) I started up a conversation with the woman sitting next to me.

She told me that she was just getting back to work after giving birth to her daughter two years ago.

Before she had her daughter she traveled with a circus for 5 years (super interesting) and didn't realize she was pregnant until she was already 7 months along (super crazy).

As she was telling me the story about when she learned she was pregnant, she said something that stood out to me,

She said, "I wasn't ready."

"I didn't have anything, I didn't have a doctor, I didn't have clothes or a crib.

But I just moved back to NYC and I made it work. I figured it out."

It reminded me of all the times I've heard someone say, they weren't "ready" to make healthy changes.

That they "just needed to"...

👉 Do more research so that they can find the "perfect" diet,

👉 Read more reviews so that they can buy the "right" treadmill,

👉 Collect more healthy recipes on pinterest so that they can start meal prepping.

They thought they needed to DO more or HAVE more,

BEFORE they could be ready.

But the thing is that no matter how much research you do,

No matter how many reviews you read or recipes you collect,

There will always be some other limiting factor, like:

❌ Time

❌ Money

❌ Energy

To let you think that you still aren't ready yet.

And if you insist on waiting until you "feel ready", then you just might find yourself waiting forever.

👉 Because the idea that you need to "feel ready" for making healthy changes in your life is unrealistic and it's the thing that's keeping you stuck.

Do you miss work because you’re not mentally “ready” to face the day? Would you tell your loved one to drive themselves to the hospital because you’re not “ready” to leave? Of course not. When something matters to you, you do what needs to be done, regardless if you "feel ready" or not. You do the right thing, even if you don’t always feel like it. And it's the same for eating well and exercising. If your health matters to you, then start today. Not when the "timing is better", Not after the weekend, Not when you're "ready". But NOW. Today. And then do it again tomorrow. And the day after that. Don't trick yourself into thinking that you "just need to ____" before you can start. You are ready enough NOW.

After October 15th I am closing enrollment for new 1-on-1 coaching clients.

So, you have 2 options,

Take action NOW, or continue to wait until you feel "ready".

Which one is it going to be?


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