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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

There Is NO "Right Time"

"Imperfect action beats perfect action every time." — Harry S. Truman

If you've been saying that you want healthier, exercise more, get better sleep, try meditating, etc...




"Now's not a good time..."

"I need to wait until things settle down..."

"I have to X first..."


What you're doing is choosing to see limitations instead of options.


You're seeing the "best", "perfect", "ideal" plan...the plan you "should" be following in order to X,


And then you're seeing the LACK of time, money, energy, or attention to be able to execute on that plan.


You're seeing all the reasons why you CAN'T take action,


Instead of exploring all the ways you CAN.


Now yes...having more time or energy will make it easier for you to change, 


But adjusting your mindset is NECESSARY for you to change.


Because the REAL problem isn't that you're too busy, have too much on your plate, don't have enough energy, etc, etc...


It's that you can't see the MANY small steps that you absolutely CAN take right now, even with not-so-ideal circumstances. 


Now, WHY is it challenging for you to see all the options you DO have available...? What's that mindset issue you need to adjust?


It could be perfectionism that keeps you from considering anything less than 110%.

It could be a fear of failure, of getting uncomfortable, of being honest with yourself.

It could be a limiting belief that, deep down, you aren't worth the time, effort or attention.

Or it could simply be not understanding how to break a big goal down into manageable chunks.


Regardless of the WHY, the WHAT you end up with is a cycle of:


You Finally have some breathing room to focus on you.

So you,

Do a complete 180 overhaul on your life.

And then (shockingly)


So then,

Your "perfect plan" gets "ruined".

And so (once again),

You wait until "things settle down" before you give it another attempt.

And then...repeat.




Maybe, it's time to acknowledge that there is no "right time".


Because, call me "Negative Nancy" but, there's ALWAYS going to be something.


So, instead of looking at not-so-ideal circumstances as LIMITATIONS, why not try looking at them simply as parameters to work within?


Why not get creative instead of being closed off to possibility?


Because, there is no end in sight.


Life is going to keep "life-ing".


So, what do you want to keep focusing on?


Why you CAN'T?


Or why you CAN?



This month, inside my private FB group "The Messy Practice", I'm doing a 4-part series on Mastering the Mindset of an Empowered Eater where I'm breaking down the 4 biggest metal obstacles that are keeping you from building healthy eating habits and what you need to do to overcome them.


So, if you know YOUR mindset could use a little adjusting, make sure you join the group so that you can catch the trainings.


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