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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

The World Doesn't Need You to Be Smaller

"If we think our job here on earth is to fix ourselves, we will keep looking for the broken places. If we believe our job is to be kind, we will keep lavishing love on ourselves." — Geneen Roth

If you've been hanging out in my little corner of the internet for awhile then you are probably aware that many of my clients end up losing weight as a result of us working together.

But here's the thing,

I don't actually want to help you, or anyone else, lose weight.

I don't want to help you get a smaller waist, leaner thighs, or toned arms.

In fact, I don't want to help you change your body at all.

What I want to do is help you change the way you think about your body.

Because the way you think about your body influences the way you treat your body.

And when you start treating your body like a valuable possession that needs to be cared for, rather than a problem that needs to be fixed,

Most of the "weight stuff" takes care of itself.

And when you start treating your body with more love and respect,

You'll also start treating yourself with more love and respect.

And women who love and respect themselves are POWERFUL.

They are leaders, changemakers, revolutionaries.

They are the ones that will pave the way for a new generation of young girls who are more concerned about their impact than they are about their thigh gap.

So, no...I don't want to help you lose weight.

Because, the world doesn't need you to be smaller.

The world needs you step into your own power.

And THAT'S what I want to help you do.


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