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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

The Real Way to "Kick Start" Your Metabolism

“There are no quick fixes. If we want our lives to change, we have to do the work.” — Scott Stabile

I hate to break it to you but that subject clickbait.

And you fell for it. 😬


Because you are looking for the quick fix.

The magic pill.

The secret solution.

But there isn't one.

👉 There are no shortcuts.

And "kick start your metabolism" is just a marketing term that is used to sell you things.

But I can't be mad at all the marketers who use it...because people keep falling for it.

So, from a marketing perspective, it works.

From a weight loss perspective...not so much.

Yes, there are things you can do to burn more calories, like exercise or just moving more in general.

But there is no magical exercise to "stoke the metabolic fire" (side note, that phrase...🤮).

And believe it or not, drinking cold water, eating spicy foods, having 6 small meals a day or using a fidget spinner (seriously...that is a suggested way to "kick start" your metabolism 🤦🏼‍♀️) aren't going to be THE THING that you've been missing all this time.

I know...crazy right? The secret to weight loss isn't ice cubes and cayenne pepper. Who would have thought?! 😱

Successful weight loss boils down to:

Consistently maintaining a small energy deficit over time via a decrease in calorie consumption and an increase in physical activity.

👉 AKA eating less and moving more.

Now yes, there is a bit more nuance to all of this.

Because while it all comes down to energy balance in the end, there are other factors at play such as sleep and stress which can have a major impact on both your energy in and your energy out.

But no "kick start" is going to make up for poor lifestyle habits.

📣 You can't quick fix your way out of years of sleeping 5 hours a night, drinking multiple bottles of wine per week or working a sedentary job for 14+ hours per day.

And chasing shortcuts is actually going make the whole process take a lot's like constantly taking detours rather than just going the direct route.

As unexciting as it is, the results will come if you consistently put in the work and remain patient.

I know it isn't the sexy answer.

I know that if the subject line of this email was "Achieve the goals you want by consistently eating well and exercising" you would have been less likely to open it.

But I also know that it works.

What I want to know is, what is keeping you from maintaining consistency with your nutrition habits?

What is getting in the way of your exercise routine?

What is stopping you from setting boundaries?

What negative thought patterns are holding you back?

If you can find the answer to those questions...that will be the real "kick start".


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