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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

The REAL Reason You Aren't Seeing Results

“Long-term consistency trumps short-term intensity.” — Bruce Lee

I have a memory from when I was working at Equinox.

I was at a going away dinner for one of my colleagues who was transferring to another club in order to take on a management position.

He was going around the table and pointing out something that he admired or appreciated about everyone in attendance.

Interestingly enough, I don't remember what he said about me, but I do distinctly remember what he said about another coworker, which was something along the lines of "You are a shining example of what's possible if you just show up every day and do the bare minimum."

Now, even though it may not have come out that way...I know the intention was to compliment my coworker's consistency. At the time, this guy was one of the top performers in the company. Yet, he didn't use any kind of sneaky sales tactics. He wasn't a former Olympian. He didn't have some crazy 300lb weight loss story. He was just a regular guy with a decent education and a pleasant personality who showed up and did his job day after day after day. There were no "secrets" to his success. Is that a sexy story...? No. Is it an important story to hear...? Yes. Why? Because most struggling dieters think the reason they aren't seeing results is that there is some secret out there that they don't know about. And "if only" they could find... THE diet THE workout plan THE supplement THE detox tea 🙄🙄🙄 Then they would finally have it all figured out. But the reality is that they just aren't consistently applying the things that they already know. Things like: ✅ Vegetables ✅ Walking ✅ Water ✅ SLEEP 👉 They simply aren't showing up EVERY DAY and doing the bare minimum. Why not?'s not very sexy now is it? And BELIEVING that it needs to be more complicated than it is means that they get to stay inside their comfort zone. It means that they get to blame someone or something else for their lack of results. But, for MOST women who are struggling with their weight, the solution to their problem isn't anything sexy. It's plain ol' consistency. It's showing up for themselves day after day after day. Even when they're tired. Even when they had a bad day. Even when they just don't feel like it. So, stop making this so complicated. You know enough to get started. You don't need to be extreme, or perfect, or to know all the "secrets" to get the results you want. You just need to be consistent.


Have you been struggling with consistency this summer? If so, then make sure you grab a copy of my FREE Healthy Summer Survival Guide. It's full of strategies, recipes and workouts to help make it easier to stay on track.


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