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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

The Power of ONE Choice

“I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday.” — Eleanor Roosevelt

Last week my husband and I were in Nashville, clearing out a storage unit we had there.

To make a long story short,

Last summer, we left NYC with the intentions of eventually moving to Nashville after a "layover" in Cleveland to spend some time with my family.

But after a few months in Cleveland, we decided that we'd rather stay here...hence the need to get our stuff out of storage.

Moving sucks.

Now, some people might hear that story and think,

"What a pain in the a$$"


"What a waste of money"

To which I would was. 😂


I'm not someone who stresses over "lost" money, because I know I can always make it back.

And I'm not someone who stews over "lost" time, because I know there is always a valuable lesson to be learned from all of life's experiences.

I AM however someone who holds dearly my power to CHOOSE.

So even though we "lost" both time and money, I'm not upset about it because we didn't lose our power to choose the life WE want for ourselves.

And despite the MANY problems facing this country,

I think most of us take for granted just how much choice we DO have in our lives.

Instead, many Fed Up Dieters CHOOSE to operate from a mindset of limitations...

To abide by arbitrary rules regarding what they "can" and "cannot" eat.

To label themselves as "weak" or "broken".

To buy in to the belief that "this is just the way I am".

When the reality is that they can ALWAYS make a new choice.

And they can always CHOOSE to create a different life for themselves.

Now you might be thinking,

Yeah Amanda, that sounds nice in theory BUT...


But let me ask you something,

Do you really want to argue FOR your limitations?

Do you want to add another layer of bricks to the walls that you've already trapped yourself within?

OR, do you want to tear those walls down?

And break free from the limited mindset you have for yourself and your life?

Because it all starts with a simple choice,

To do something, ANYTHING differently.

And prove to yourself that you can BE different.

It can be as simple as wearing bright red lipstick if you're normally a no makeup gal.

Or parting your hair to the other side.

Or taking the stairs instead of the escalator.

Or not finishing the carton of ice cream even if there's "only two bites left".

All it takes is ONE different choice to get the ball rolling.

To show yourself that you CAN change,

That you DO have the power to create an entirely new life for yourself...

IF you CHOOSE to.

And when you start exercising that choice muscle, it will get stronger.

Your ability to make scarier choices and bigger changes will improve.

The walls that you've surrounded yourself with will start to come down.

And you'll realize that the things you once saw as limitations can no longer stop you from going after the life you really want for yourself.


What new choice are YOU going to make today?


If you want some help with strengthening your "choice muscle"...

Then make sure you put your name on the waitlist for the "Empowered Eating Blueprint", my BRAND NEW group coaching program that will help you build sustainable healthy habits so that you can end the struggle with your weight once and for all.

On September 18th, those on the waitlist will get first access to sign up for one of the very limited spots along with a special bonus that won't be offered to the public.

Get on the waitlist HERE.


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