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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

The Power of Good Enough

“All you can do is all you can do, but all you can do is enough.” — Arthur L. Williams, Jr.

I’m going to cut right to the chase. This blog isn’t my best. The past few days have been jam packed and I’m currently writing from the car as my husband and I make our way to Ontario for a wedding. But even though I don’t have anything mind blowing to say today, I made a commitment to myself to share some bit of “wisdom” with you every Wednesday, in hopes that it can help you in even the smallest way. So, here I am with not my best blog, But one that’s “good enough”. And I have faith that you will make space for my imperfections. Now…can you do that for yourself?

Can you grant yourself grace? Can you be OK with good enough?

When you planned to exercise for 60 minutes after work but you’re exhausted by the time you get home…can you do just 10 minutes? When you’re about to say “screw it” and go ham on a greasy burger…can you just add a salad on the side? When you think you “should” meditate but can never find the time…can you just take 5 deep breaths right now? I know you might think, “What difference will 5 breaths make?” But it’s not about these 5 breaths. It’s about the next 5. And the next 5. 👉 Because when you allow good enough, you get more done. It’s like compounding interest. Those small efforts add up over time. And, they keep you moving forward. Consistent imperfection > inconsistent perfection So, if you don’t have it in you for the “best” option today, Can you go with the one that’s “good enough”?


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