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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

The Best Time to Start Is Now

"If we wait until we’re ready, we’ll be waiting for the rest of our lives." — Lemony Snicket

I hope you had a great Halloween, !

My husband and I had a blast in our "under the sea" themed costumes...

And my jellyfish was a big hit with the trick-or-treaters on Halloween night.

Now, as much as I LOVE Halloween, I also know that for many women it marks the beginning of a season of high stress and overindulgence.

You tend to have more responsibilities to juggle and more social events to attend, which can leave you with very little time or energy leftover to take care of yourself.

Because of this, it can feel like the "smart" choice to wait until the new year to focus on your health goals.

And while it might feel like you cannot possibly squeeze one more thing onto your plate over the next two months,

I am going to challenge you to take a different perspective.

Yes, the holiday season presents unique challenges that you may not face during the rest of the year.

But, waiting until your circumstances are "just right" before you get started is one of the BIGGEST mistakes that keeps women stuck in the cycle of yo-yo dieting.

Because, when "things settle down" and you finally have some breathing room to focus on you,

You will most likely attempt to do a complete 180 overhaul on your life.

But, shockingly, life has this tendency to keep "life-ing" and your "perfect plan" will inevitably get interrupted.

Leading you to, once again, wait until "things settle down" before you give it another attempt.

So, maybe, it's time to acknowledge that there is no "right time".

Because, and this may sound pessimistic but, there's ALWAYS going to be something.

Some "fire" that needs to be put out.

Some project that is sucking your energy.

Some person in your life that is asking for your attention.

And, unless you decide to escape it all by moving to a remote cabin in the middle of the mountains...

There is no end in sight.

So, wouldn't the real smart choice be to learn how to be successful WHILE life is "life-ing"?

Wouldn't it make the MOST sense to develop strategies that work for you, even when your circumstances are less than perfect?

Because, let's be real, when AREN'T they less than perfect?

So, if you've been thinking that, "once the holidays are over then I'll..."

STOP and get honest with yourself.

Is "bad timing" really the thing that's holding you back?

OR, is it the voice of perfectionism trying to convince you that if you can't do it like X, then it's not worth doing at all...?

Because I can assure you,

If you're waiting for the "right time" to get started...

You're going to be waiting a lifetime.


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