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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

The Best Time to Start Is Always Now

"The greatest amount of wasted time is the time not getting started." — Dawson Trotman

I'm going to keep things short and sweet and just get straight to it today.

If you've been waiting until...

  • After your vacation...

  • You "get your finances in order"...

  • Work slows down...

  • You "do more research"...

  • Tomorrow...

  • Next week...

  • The fall...

Here's a friendly reminder to:

Whether you want to improve your health, your career, your relationships or your TikTok dance skills (#nojudgement),

You have everything you need to get started TODAY.

And before you say "But, but, but..."


Take a breath.

And get honest with yourself.

Is whatever excuse you were about to come up with REALLY an obstacle to getting started?

OR is it just an obstacle to getting started PERFECTLY?

So often WE create our biggest obstacles to success by expecting perfection.

Perfect circumstances.

Perfect planning.

Perfect execution.

But perfection doesn't exist.

And if you keep waiting around for things to be "just right",

You'll never get started.

Just like if you go looking for an excuse to NOT do something,

You'll always find one.

You don't have to get it PERFECT...

👉 You just have to get it GOING.

And the best time to get it going is right now.

What's ONE small step you can take TODAY to move you closer towards the future you want?


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