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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

The 3 Factor Test for Meaningful Goals

"Your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's life." — Steve Jobs

When's the last time you evaluated your goals?

In our competitive world, it's easy to get caught up in the pursuit of societal standards and ideals,

Which often leads to setting goals without truly considering how they fit into our lives or if they align with what's truly important to us.

But setting goals without thoughtfully evaluating them beforehand can leave us feeling frustrated, unfulfilled and trapped in a never-ending cycle of "never enough" as we invest our time, energy and resources into pursuits that may not even bring us the happiness and satisfaction we seek.

So, how do you know if your goals are actually the goals YOU should be working towards?

👉 You put them to the test.

There are 3 key factors to consider before setting a new goal (or continuing the pursuit of a current goal):

1) Adding Value to Your Life:

A goal that truly adds value is one that enhances your overall well-being and brings a sense of fulfillment.

Ask yourself: Will achieving this goal genuinely improve my life and contribute to my happiness and growth?

Focus on goals that nourish your mind, body and spirit, rather than ones driven by societal expectations and external pressures.

2) Reflecting Your Values:

Your goals should be a reflection of who you are and what matters most to you.

Ask yourself: Does this goal align with my core values? Does it reflect the type of woman I want to be? Does it resonate with my deepest beliefs, aspirations and principles?

When your goals align with your values, they become more meaningful and purpose-driven.

3) Avoiding Conflict with Your Values:

While it's important for goals to align with your values, it's equally crucial to ensure they don't conflict with them. Conflicting goals create internal turmoil and can lead to a sense of being torn between different aspects of your life.

Ask yourself: Does pursuing this goal require me to compromise my core values, engage in actions that contradict my principles or neglect aspects of my life that are important to me?

By honestly assessing the potential conflicts between your goals and values, you can make choices that preserve your integrity and lead to greater fulfillment.


Now comes the part where you take YOUR goals and put them to the test. And when you do, one of two things are bound to happen. 1) You'll reignite your initial motivation to reach them As time passes, it's common to lose that strong "drive" towards achieving your goals. But when you remind yourself WHY you set them in the first place, you get to revisit the emotions of hope, excitement and positivity you had when you began working towards them. OR 2) You'll gain valuable insight into where you're out of alignment If you happen to find that one or all of your current goals doesn't meet the three the key factors above, then it's time to do some revision because working on misaligned goals is NOT enjoyable. Any major achievement will require some amount of sacrifice and getting outside your comfort zone, but the process shouldn't feel like an absolute chore. And if your goal doesn't feel value adding or if it conflicts with your values, you will continue to struggle with taking consistent action towards it.


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