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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Should You Push Yourself During the Holiday Season?

"Make it a point to do something every day that you don't want to do. This is the golden rule for acquiring the habit of doing your duty without pain." — Mark Twain

Is it just me,

Or does stuff just feel harder during these last few weeks of the year?

There's an urge to stay in bed just a little later...

To sit with a warm cup of tea just a little longer...

To watch just one more episode...

So, should you fight against that urge?

Or give in to it and go full on "cozy mode" until winter is over?

Well, that's not really for me to say.

But what I can say is that,

When those moments come up,

Where you don't "feel like" doing the thing,

And your brain is saying things like:

"One more snooze won't matter."

"You can workout later."

"It's just one walk, no big deal if you skip."

"You can start fresh in January."

You need to ask yourself,

"Does TOMORROW ME agree?"

Because, yes...

ONE more snooze, one skipped workout or missed walk,

Is not a big deal.

But days, weeks, months, YEARS,

Of just one more, I'll do it later, it's no big deal...

Well, those tend to add up faster than we realize.

So, maybe slowing down, doing less and chilling the F out IS exactly what you need to be embracing over the next few weeks.

BUT, also maybe doing the comfy, cozy, easy thing,

Is a pattern you've been repeating for some time now,

And "it's the holidays" serves as a convenient reason (aka excuse) to keep repeating that same unhelpful pattern...

When you get silent and go inward,

You'll find the answer to which camp you're in.

(If you're a little's probably the one that makes you feel the most uncomfortable.)


Are you camp "I need to stop and give myself permission to rest"?


Are you camp "I need to suck it up and just do the damn the thing"?

And in recognizing this,

What choice can you make today that TOMORROW YOU will be grateful for and proud of?


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