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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Self-Love Is a Choice, Not a Feeling

"To love yourself right now, just as you are, is to give yourself heaven." — Alan Cohen

Self-love is a buzzy topic,

Especially when it comes to weight loss and body image.

But many women hear "self-love" and immediately think of the FEELINGS of love,

You know...the warm, fuzzy ones.

There's problem with feelings though...they aren't permanent.

They come and go, and with varying intensities.

So there's often a misconception that if you don't FEEL all lovey dovey towards yourself all the time, then you must not really love yourself.

But self-love (or any kind of love for that matter) is less about feelings, and more about CHOICES.

Deliberate, daily choices.

Self-love is about CHOOSING to engage in loving actions, even when you aren't FEELING loving feelings.

It's choosing to speak to yourself with kindness...even when you "feel fat".

It's choosing to go to the gym...even when you "feel like you look stupid".

It's choosing to keep trying...even when you "feel like a failure".

Negative emotions are a normal part of life, including the negative emotions you feel about yourself.

The goal isn't to completely rid yourself of them.

The goal is to not let them negatively impact your CHOICES.

Think back on the past few days...

If a hidden camera had followed you around 24/7, what choices would have been recorded?

And what would those choices say about how or how much you love yourself?

Now...bring yourself back to this moment.

What choice can you make RIGHT NOW to love yourself better?


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