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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Rigid diets are the OLD way of losing weight.

“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” — Thomas A. Edison

Rigid diets are the OLD way of losing weight.

Now I get how you might think differently since the word DIET has basically become synonymous with restriction and punishment.

But does every single woman who is successful with weight loss get there by punishing away the pounds?


And actually, most women who do go down the punishment path aren't successful in the long run because, sucks...and so eventually they quit, which just puts them back on the weight loss rollercoaster.

However, when we look at the women who have been successful with losing weight (AND keeping it off), they all have one thing in common.

👉 The found a plan that worked for them.

A plan that wasn't overwhelming or extreme.

A plan that accounted for the kinds of foods they enjoy eating.

A plan that fit their lifestyle and their goals.

Rather than 30 days of cabbage, or never eating a slice of bread again, or bringing a tupperware of boiled chicken to your family's Thanksgiving dinner...

🥦 Have you ever ate a vegetable without gagging?

😴 Or looked forward to a good night's sleep?

🤸‍♀️ Or done a workout that was (gasp!) actually enjoyable?

So then wouldn't it be more helpful to craft a weight loss plan that focuses on getting in MORE of the healthy stuff that you LIKE, rather than one that makes you feel sad and deprived?

👉 Wouldn't it be more pleasant to work on making yourself and your life BETTER?

So unless you want to repeat the cycle of: going on a strict diet > feeling miserable > giving up because it sucks > feeling crappy for giving up > eating a tub of ice cream because you feel crappy > eating more ice cream...because "F$*# it!" > feeling super guilty and starting the whole process over again...

👉 Try the NEW way to lose weight.

With a plan that fits YOU (not your trainer, or your sister, or your neighbor or Dr. Oz).

A plan that encourages taking care of yourself rather than punishing yourself and on enjoying your life rather than loathing it.

If you're tired of being an on and off dieter and instead want to become a powerful, unstoppable woman who loves not only her life, but also the body she's living it in,

then click HERE to schedule a call so that we can see if my 12-week Reset & Recharge program is a good fit for you.


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