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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Mastering the Weight Loss Fundamentals

“Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.” — Michael Pollan

Should I eat jasmine or basmati rice? Is it ok to eat bananas? Or are they too high in sugar? Do I need to supplement with Magnesium?

Clients ask me nutrition questions daily, and for good reason...nutrition can be confusing.

Trends are constantly changing and there’s a lot of conflicting information in circulation.

So it’s only reasonable to ask questions, it's how we learn after all.

But, when you haven’t nailed down the fundamentals, asking questions like the ones above is like “mowing your lawn while your house is on fire”.

So often people get caught up in the small details and completely ignore the simple actions that could have a much bigger impact on their health.

For example, last week a client asked if he should be drinking room temperature water or ice water...yet he’s been averaging less than 5 hours of sleep per night...

P.S. if you’re reading this...I hope you know that I still love you 😘

Listen up,

You don’t need to worry about the details until you have mastered the basics.

Are you consistently:

✔ Sleeping 7+ hours per night? ✔ Eating 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables per day? ✔ Eating 3-4 balanced meals per day that include protein, healthy fats and carbohydrates in each? ✔ Exercising 3-4 times per week (or more), for at least 30 minutes each time? ✔ Taking time for stress relief and self care?

Most likely, you can answer “NO” to at least one of the above.

And if that’s the case, you don’t need to concern yourself with supplements, carb cycling or detox teas.

📣 Stop falling prey to marketing promises of quick fixes and torturing yourself with heavy diet restrictions or extreme exercise.

Instead, focus your efforts on the five fundamentals above.

Chances are, there isn’t anything on this list that you didn’t already know…🤷🏼‍♀️

But...are you consistently implementing them? 🤔

It all sounds so simple, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy.

Do you know what can make it easier?

Having a system, guidance and accountability.

And it just so happens that I know where you can find all three...💁🏼‍♀️

Enrollment for the next round of my 12 week “Reset & Recharge” program is now open!

This program is about making sustainable changes in your fitness, nutrition and mindset habits that will help you build a solid foundation to set you up for success, not just in the short term, but for the rest of your life.

Don't believe me?

Here's what Cooper, who beat boredom eating and dropped 5 inches in the process, had to say about his experience in Reset & Recharge:

👉 “I feel great as a result of this program. Now I am set up to have long term success.”

And Veronique, who wore shorts for the first time this summer without shame or embarrassment, had this to say:

👉 “I’m in a better place after Reset & Recharge. I know and understand what to do in order to take care of myself”.

Reset & Recharge will help you identify, prioritize and actually DO the things that’ll help you reach your goals.

Enrollment closes next Sunday October 18th and I’m only accepting 5 new clients this round.

So, if you’re ready to put away the lawn mower and get out the fire hose, then apply for my Reset and Recharge program today.


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