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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Make your own luck

“Luck has nothing to do with it, because I have spent many, many hours, countless hours, on the court working for my one moment in time, not knowing when it would come.” — Serena Williams


Happy Saint Patrick's Day! 🍀

Do you believe in luck?

If you ask me, there is pure luck and then there is the luck that we CREATE for ourselves.

Often, we see other people achieving their goals or living the kind of life we dream of and think to ourselves..."they are SOOOOO lucky".

Is that true?

Are they really just lucky?

Or have they found ways (whether they realize it or not) to create their own luck by actively putting themselves in the right place at the right time AND having the right mindset to seize "lucky" opportunities?

Yes, luck does involve an element of chance, but it has LESS to do with what happens to you and MORE to do with how you think and act.

So, if you would like Lady Luck to smile down on you more often, check out my 17 tips for how to create your own luck.

🍀 17 Tips for Creating Your Own Luck 🍀

  1. Get absolutely clear on what you really really want in life.

  2. Trust and act on your intuition.

  3. Help other people.

  4. Be willing to be wrong, take risks and make mistakes.

  5. Stay focused and put in the work. Don't get distracted by shiny things.

  6. Learn from and embrace setbacks.

  7. Be courageous and bold. Stand up, speak out and do the unexpected.

  8. Try new things, meet new people, keep an open mind.

  9. Keep your attention on what you CAN control.

  10. Create habits that set you up for success.

  11. Improve your self-awareness.

  12. Set boundaries and learn how to say "NO".

  13. Chill out. Make time for rest, relaxation and solitude.

  14. Believe in yourself. Respect yourself. Love yourself. ALWAYS.

  15. Look for the silver lining.

  16. Stop making excuses.

  17. Ask for help.

True luck, good or bad, isn't something we can just happens to us.

What we CAN control is how we respond to circumstances or chance and, more importantly, how often we put ourselves into positions to be "lucky."

So, are you going to wait around for fate to work in your favor?

Or are you going to go out there and make your own luck?


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