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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Living Healthy Without Food Rules

"The way you eat is inseparable from your core beliefs about being alive. Your relationship with food is an exact mirror of your feelings about love, fear, anger, meaning and transformation." — Geneen Roth

A few weeks ago I made a delicious (and simple) red pepper and tomato soup.

As it was simmering I commented to my husband, "this would be perfect with a grilled cheese sandwich".

His reply, "I think we have bread in the freezer and there's cheese leftover from Thanksgiving..."

Now, the old me would have immediately started an internal dialogue with all the reasons I "shouldn't let myself" eat a grilled cheese sandwich.

With thoughts like, "bread is bad," "carbs are bad" and "cheese has too many calories".

But the current me trusts herself enough to know when choosing to eat a grilled cheese sandwich IS a healthy act of self-love AND to know when choosing to NOT eat a grilled cheese sandwich is ALSO a healthy act of self-love.

So, I made a grilled cheese sandwich.

And it was delicious, satisfying and in no way guilt inducing.

For those of you that have never struggled with the complexities of food rules and nutrition dogma, you may be thinking "what's the big deal? It's just a grilled cheese sandwich."

But for those of you who have:

👉 Felt shame for eating something "unhealthy"

👉 Denied yourself of your favorite foods for the sake of #goals

👉 Thought to yourself "I shouldn't be eating this"

👉 Judged yourself or others for eating "bad foods"

You know how confining, stressful and anxiety ridden "eating healthy" can feel.

But what you may NOT know is how freeing, joyful and empowering it is to make nutrition choices that are based in self-trust, self-love and autonomy.

Am I suggesting that you eat grilled cheese sandwiches daily? No. And I hope that's not what you are taking away from this post.

What I AM suggesting is that it IS possible to live a healthy lifestyle without losing yourself and your sanity in the process.

🧘‍♀️ A lifestyle that nurtures more than just your physical health — but also your emotional, spiritual and relational health.

✨ A lifestyle that encourages you to expand rather than to shrink.

✊ A lifestyle that honors your power of choice.

But you won't get there by going on a detox, or a cleanse, or by following a list of "approved" and "banned" foods.

You won't get there by a quick fix.

This is a long game.

Change won't happen overnight, but it will happen.

And when you have moments like this one that I had with the grilled cheese,

Where you realize how something so simple can also be so powerful,

And you notice just how far you've come,

You will be grateful that you were brave, loving and patient enough to pursue this path.

Because it feels SO GOOD to be FREE.

If you've been searching for a solution that simplifies weight management without deprivation, guilt or shame AND empowers you to live YOUR healthiest and most fulfilled life, then stay tuned.

Because I have a new opportunity coming your way in the next few weeks...🤫


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