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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Life After Weight Loss

“Fall in love with the process of becoming great.” — Joshua Medcalf

Last week I was on a coaching call with a client.

She is nearing the final weeks of my 12 week Reset & Recharge program.

She is only a few pounds shy of her goal weight, her favorite pair of old jeans are fitting again, she has more energy and feels better overall.

All good things, right?


Until one morning earlier that week when she woke up, looked in the mirror and it hit her...

👉 The realization that the things she did to get to this place are the same things she'll need to continue doing in order to stay here.

That the work isn't over when the program is over, or when she hits her goal weight.

She realized that she will have to keep doing this stuff.

Over and over and over.

Many of us get caught up in the end results of what we're working toward or the way things will be when we finally achieve our goal, without giving much consideration to how we go about getting there.

But once you hit your target, the work that led you there doesn't go away.

The truth is that the work never ends.

📢 Life after weight loss will need to look a whole lot like life during weight loss.

So, ask yourself,

"Are the actions I'm taking towards my goal ones that I am willing to continue to do indefinitely OR am I chasing a result while ignoring the process?

To be successful with anything long term, whether it’s nutrition, weight loss, fitness, business, performance – literally anythingyou have to learn to fall in love with the process.

It’s not some grand action that gets you to lose 30 pounds. It’s the accumulation of the choices you make day in and day out – the PROCESS – that gets you to the RESULT, not the other way around.

If you are going to extreme measures to lose weight (diet pills, very low calorie intake, detox teas, hours of fasted cardio, waist trainers, etc) I am willing to say with certainty that you don't love the process.

I'm confident to say that you don't even sort of like the process.

And that is the problem.

It's not your hormones.

Or your genetics.

Or whatever other excuse you come up with.

The problem is that you keep looking for the quick fixes.

The things that you are willing to do today, but not 50 days from now (maybe not even 5 days from now).

So if you are interested in losing weight AND keeping it off, you need to:

  1. Identify what works (pssst....I can help you with this one)

  2. Of that stuff, figure out what you are willing to do forever

  3. Learn how to love the process of doing that stuff

When my client shared this new awareness with me, we brainstormed some ideas on how to keep healthy habits engaging for the long run (some of which I wrote about in this Instagram post).

How can you find joy in the repetition?

How can you see something novel in the familiar?

How can you keep yourself engaged and interested day after day, year after year?

How can you fall in love with the process?

Do the work. Do it well.

And when you find success,

Do it again...with a smile. 😉



I currently have space for 3 new clients in my 12 week Reset & Recharge program. If you need help identifying what works and how to make those habits stick, comment below so that we can have a chat about whether the program could be a good fit for you.


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