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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Is Weight Just a Simple Math Equation?

"It’s not the will to win that matters — everyone has that. It’s the will to prepare to win that matters." — Paul “Bear” Bryant

When it comes to achieving and sustaining weight loss...does it really just boil down to calories?

Maybe you've heard the phrases "Calories In, Calories Out" or "Eat less, Move more" as a way of summing up how to achieve weight loss.

And while neither statement is false,

Boiling down weight loss to something as basic as "you just need to burn more calories than you consume" is kind of like saying,

"To win the Super Bowl, you just need to score more points than the other team."

I mean...yeah...that IS how you win...but I think we can all agree that there's a bit more nuance to it than just "win the points"...

Sports 101. Nailed it. 🙌

And when you look at weight loss as nothing but a basic numbers game, you end up focusing on...the numbers.

You reduce calories and increase exercise.

And then you reduce calories and increase exercise some more.

And more and more...

But what happens when that doesn't work?

Or when you stall out and stop seeing progress?

Or when you burn out and quit?

Then what?

You see, when you focus on just the numbers you tend to gloss over all of the other factors that go into making those numbers possible to begin with.

Let's go back to that Super Bowl analogy...

Yes, if you want to win the Super Bowl you'd need to score more points than the other team,

But in order to score more points you'd ALSO need to:

  • Know a whole bunch of plays

  • Be able to execute those plays

  • Be able to focus your attention, handle your emotions and mentally "stay in the game"

  • And...have a track record of wins before you even get to the Super Bowl

In short, you'd need:

✅ Strategies,

✅ Skills,

✅ And the right attitude,

📆 Applied consistently over time.

And it's no different with weight loss.

Yes, you need to create a calorie deficit.

But without the proper Strategies, Skills and Attitudes your chances of being consistent enough to ever see results is slim to none.

So if you've been focusing on just the numbers of weight loss with little to no progress to show for it,

And you want to know HOW to build the Strategies, Skills and Attitudes you need to make weight loss a slam dunk (yes, I know..wrong sport...🤷‍♀️)


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