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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Is Mindset the Key to Weight Loss Success?

"Vision is not enough. It must be combined with venture. It is not enough to stare up the steps; we must also step up the stairs." — Vaclav Havel

"You need to think positive!" "Believe in yourself!" "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right!" If you've heard or even used phrases like these before, you might think that mindset IS the key to weight loss success... But the truth is,

Mindset ISN'T enough.

Mindset is a pretty buzzy word and it's sold by most self-help gurus as THE solution to practically every problem that one may be facing. But let me ask you this... Could you just "mindset" your way to learning how to ride a bike? Of course not.

Eventually you'd need to get on the bike.

And the same goes for weight loss, If you only work on your mindset, you'll end up limiting your potential for success. Consider this... Why is it that if you were to follow the EXACT recipe for a dish from a Michelin restaurant it wouldn't taste nearly as good as the one prepared at the restaurant? Would it be because you didn't have the right MINDSET while you were making it? Or is it more likely because you don't have the same SKILLSET as a Michelin chef? Listen...if you don't know how to flambé, no amount of "positive vibes" is going to teach you that skill... Yes you can change your mindset...and you should change your mindset...but you also need to develop the SKILLS required to accomplish the goals you set for yourself. And skill development takes time. It requires patience. Practice. Failures and learning. THIS is where mindset comes in. 👉 Having the right mindset makes it possible to develop the right skillset. So if you're struggling with self-doubt, catastrophic thinking, or a cruel inner critic, then probably need to work on your mindset. ...but the work can't stop there. Because to be successful with weight loss you need to change how you SEE things as well as how you DO things... Develop the right mindset SO THAT you can improve your SKILLSET. THAT is the key to success. Which one do you need to you need to work on? Mindset or Skillset? Hit reply and let me know!


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