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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

In Times of Uncertainty, Breathe

"Breathe deeply, until sweet air extinguishes the burn of fear in your lungs and every breath is a beautiful refusal to become anything less than infinite." – D. Antoinette Foy

I know, it isn't Wednesday. But I have a feeling that this message is a more valuable one to be received tonight. For many, tonight will be filled with an unprecedented level of stress and anxiety. Humans are wired to perceive uncertainty as a threat and with tonight's election plus the ongoing COVID situation, there's plenty of uncertainty going around. Unsure situations where you feel a lack of control can trigger a visceral fight-or-flight response even if you're not in immediate danger, which can then wreak all kinds of hormonal havoc within your body. Meditation can be a powerful antidote to that stressed-out feeling. When you meditate, you release feel-good hormones like oxytocin and serotonin, giving the message to your body that you're not in physical danger which in turn helps to alleviate feelings of stress and anxiety. If you feel like you could use a dose of feel-good hormones, try one of the guided meditations below. Also, remember that while there are MANY things outside of our control right now, we ARE in control of: ➡ Our social network  ➡ Our actions ➡ What we consume (including news, social media, food, alcohol, drugs) Put up barriers between yourself and those you don't have the energy for right now. Surround yourself with the voices of people who love you and whose values are aligned with yours. Commit to turning off the tv if it's causing you stress and do a grounding activity in its place. And never underestimate the power of community. "Life is many things. It is capricious. It is crushingly cruel. We try to manage life, but it really can't be controlled. So what do we have in the face of this creative chaos that is the universe? We have each other." —  Peg Backus-Wallner Meditation to awaken courage (22 mins, guided) Meditation to feel grounded (10 mins, guided) Sound bath to ease anxiety (10 mins)


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