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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Improve Your Health by Living With Gratitude

"What you do speaks so loudly I cannot hear what you are saying." — Ralph Waldo Emerson

When I was ~18 my dad gifted me a (very) used truck — a 1988 chevy S10 pickup.

It was rusty. The AC didn't work. The back window wouldn't close all the way.

I expressed my gratitude for this gift,

I said "thank you".

But I didn't really feel grateful.

I thought it was a piece of junk.

I didn't VALUE it or what it made possible for me.

And my actions reflected this...

I did ZERO maintenance other than filling the gas tank.

Which led to a myriad of issues, including but not limited to:

  • The engine overheating regularly

  • The gas pump going out, and

  • The BRAKES going out (while I was on the highway)

Yet somehow...that thing kept on trucking (pun intended) and we only parted ways because I moved to NYC.

I think of that truck often, because 1) the memories make me laugh and 2)

it reminds me of how common it is for there to be a disconnect between our WORDS and our ACTIONS, especially when it comes to gratitude.


Research has shown that people who practice gratitude consistently report a host of physical, psychological and social benefits.

But not all gratitude practices are created equal.

And if you want experience the full benefits, you'll need to move from simply counting your blessings to living a life of gratitude.

Gratitude Level 1: Expressing with words

Saying "thank you" and writing in a gratitude journal are examples of using words to express gratitude.

However, saying something doesn't guarantee there is any emotion behind it and can sometimes become a thoughtless, automatic habit.

Gratitude Level 2: Tapping into feelings

A "Loving Kindness" meditation is one way to move gratitude from a concept inside your head into a physical sensation inside your body — which is often described as warmth, a slowing of the breath, or a spaciousness in the chest and heart.

The feeling of gratitude feels good...but if we don't use those positive emotions to motivate positive actions, we won't experience the full effect of gratitude in our lives.

Gratitude Level 3: Demonstrating through actions

Gratitude makes us appreciate the value of something, and when we appreciate the value of something,

👉 We honor it, care for it and treat it with respect.

When we live with gratitude we are no longer speaking empty words, but matching those words with actions that demonstrate our appreciation.


How often do you SAY that you are grateful for your health?

But if you were to look back at your actions over the past week...would they match your words?

Did you honor your body?

Take care of it?

Treat it with respect?

OR...did you take it for granted?

If you aren't "walking your talk", I encourage you to take some time to reflect on the following...

What would happen if you tapped into the feeling of gratitude for your body?

If you truly valued it as it is RIGHT NOW and appreciated all that it makes possible for you?

And more importantly, how would your actions towards your body change if you were motivated by these positive emotions of immense gratitude?

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them."

— John F. Kennedy


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