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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

If You Really Want to Change, You Need to Raise the Stakes

“The best investment you can make is an investment in yourself.” — Warren Buffett

About a month ago I was talking with a fellow coach about a business program he just completed because it was something I'd been curious about for awhile.

After our chat I went through a process of consideration and reflection, just like my potential clients do.

Asking questions to myself like…

Is it a good fit? Is this what I need? Should I just go for it?

After a day of back and forth in my mind...I said:

❌ I don’t think now’s a good time for me… ❌ I just launched a new program... ❌ I'm not sure I'll be able to commit to it fully…

❌ Plus I need to pay my tax bill so I can't spend the money...

But you know what...NONE of that was true.

The REAL reason I didn't commit was...

It wasn't expensive enough.

You heard me.

The price wasn't scary enough.

It wasn't painful enough.

And I knew that meant that I wouldn't take it seriously enough.

I knew that, considering all my other commitments, unless there was enough at stake, I wouldn't make the program a priority.

Think about a gym like Planet Fitness. They stay in business selling $10 a month memberships because they know that of the tens of millions of memberships they sell every year, only HALF of those people will actually show up to the gym.

Because a $10 a month loss is really no big deal, you barely feel it.

👉 Do you know how many free webinars I've signed up for but never attended?

👉 How many $17 E-Books I've bought that I never even opened?

👉 How many $97 dollar courses I registered for and then never even logged into once?

I didn't pay attention to them, because they barely cost me anything.

And I knew that if I really wanted to make big changes in my business then I also needed to make a big investment.

One that made me want to throw up just a little bit. 🤮

Which is what I did last week (the big investment, not the throwing up part).

I signed up for a coaching program that costs almost 3x the investment of the original program I was considering.

Why am I telling you all this?

Because if you want to make major change in your life, whether it be in your health, your relationships, your career, you will need to get uncomfortable.

You will need to do something that feels a bit scary.

You will need to put faith in yourself.

And you will need to have a consequence, something that feels painful, for NOT making the change.

You see, money is one of the biggest objections most people give when it comes to getting help for their health and fitness goals.

They say that it's "too expensive".

But that usually isn't the case.

It's just an easy cop-out. 🤷🏼‍♀️

There are an insane amount of FREE or super low cost resources available:

➡ Free workouts on YouTube

➡ Meal plans and meditation apps for $9.99/month

➡ Public libraries FULL of books on diet, exercise, habit change, etc.

But when probed about it, people usually confess to not taking advantage of the above resources with any real consistency. cost really the issue...?

Because if you aren't taking action RIGHT NOW, it's not because you "can't afford it".

As we've already established...there's plenty of free resources available to you.

You aren't taking action because the consequences of NOT taking action aren't tangible enough to you right now.

👉 You haven't really tapped into the pain of what your future will look 5, 10, 15 years from now if you don't change.

You aren't taking advantage of all the amazing free stuff out there because it doesn't come with any negative consequences for NOT using it.

👉 You feel like you've got nothing to lose, so you don't take it seriously.

And you aren't going ALL IN and investing in your health because you don't believe that you can change.

👉 You don't want to waste the money on yet another failed weight loss attempt, so you won't even try.

But when you pay, you pay attention.

When you commit with cash, things get real.

You are forced to face:

➡ the pain of not taking action

➡ the consequences of not taking it seriously and

➡ the reality of not truly believing in yourself

I am clear on what I want my future to look like and what will or won't happen if I don't take action now.

I know that the consequences of NOT following through are painful enough for me to take this seriously and make it a top priority.

And I am proud to say that I believe in myself and my business enough to go ALL IN with this investment.

But what about you?

Can you really not afford to invest in your health?

Or are you afraid of going ALL IN on yourself?


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