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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

How to Use Your Future Vision to Shape Your Current Behavior

"The more pride you have in a particular aspect of your identity, the more motivated you will be to maintain the habits associated with it." — James Clear

I planned to do a full workout yesterday BUT the day got away from me.


It was one of those days where everything took longer than I anticipated and multiple unplanned (but necessary) tasks popped up.


By the time I was done for the day it was after 8pm and working out was the LAST thing I wanted to do, 


So I decided to take a shower and just start fresh the next day.


Maybe you can relate...?


But while I was in the shower, that decision started to nag at me.


On one hand, I didn't have the energy to do a full workout.


BUT on the other hand, I want to be the kind of woman that keeps her word to herself.


So, I took a mental inventory of what was planned for that day's workout to see if there was a part of it I could muster up the energy for,


4 sets of 6 Front Squats? "No."

4 sets of 6 Overhead Press? "No." 

3 sets of 10 Bulgarian Split Squats? "Definitely No." 

3 sets of 10 Push Ups? "Alright, fine. I can at least do 5."


I got out of the shower and immediately did 5 push ups (yes, naked).


After I finished those 5 I thought to myself, "Alright, I can at least do 15".


So, I went to the bedroom, put on my PJs, and did another 5.


Then I brushed my teeth and did 5 more. 


"Alright, fine. I can do all 30".


I did my skincare routine and another 5 push ups.


Got my clothes ready for the next day and did 5 more.


Wrote in my journal, set my alarm and then did the final 5.


And I went to bed feeling PROUD because I acted like the kind of woman I WANT to be.


➡️ I was compassionate with myself.

➡️ I was flexible with my thinking.

➡️ AND I still honored my word to myself.


The majority of the women I work with inside my Empowered Eating Blueprint program struggle with these 3 qualities.


➡️ They beat themselves up for making even the smallest mistakes.

➡️ They are stuck in black/white, all or nothing thinking.

➡️ And they constantly tell themselves they are going to do things (like wake up early, do a workout, say NO to the third glass of wine) but don't follow through.


And if you are struggling with the same,


You might think the problem is that you don't have enough discipline or willpower,


When the real problem is not having enough clarity around the kind of woman you WANT to be.


Because once you know WHO you want to be,

And you're able to describe and visualize that woman (and her life) in vivid detail,


You have a filter to make your decisions through.


So that when you face situations like the one I did yesterday,


You can ask yourself, "Is this decision reflective of the kind of woman I WANT to be, of the kind of life I WANT to have...?"


And if it isn't,


You have an opportunity to make a NEW choice, one that moves you closer to becoming that woman and having that life.


And the best part about making that new choice is that it feels GOOD.


It doesn't feel like a chore.

Or like something that you "have to" or "should" do.


It feels like something you WANT to DO, because it's a direct reflection of the woman you WANT to BE


So, if you struggle with doing the things you SAY you're going to do,


The first step toward changing that pattern is to get clear about WHO you want to be and what THAT WOMAN does differently than you do now.


So that you can use that future version of yourself as your filter for making NEW choices.


And if you want help with this process,


👉 Check out this training inside my free, private FB Group "The Messy Practice" to get clear on what YOU want for yourself and your health in the long run.


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