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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

How to Use the Domino Effect to Reach Your Goals

"Getting extraordinary results is all about creating a domino effect in your life." — Gary Keller

Happy New Year!


I hope you rang in 2024 with great food and even better company.


We celebrated at home with family, a "taco bar" and MANY hours of card games. 🤓


For those that are always on the lookout for new recipes...I made this Elote inspired quinoa salad (an absolute favorite of mine, I add more bell peppers and use half Greek yogurt for the sour cream/mayo), this slow cooker shredded beef (it did not disappoint), a variation of this lazy slow cooker shredded chicken (I used salsa verde and chimichurri seasoning) and my own refried beans recipe.


But enough about me...


Let's talk about YOU and YOUR goals for 2024.


I'm assuming that if you set goals for this year, you actually want to accomplish them, right?


But...have you set yourself up in a way to make that happen?


One of the biggest reasons New Year's Resolutions fail isn't because there is something bad or wrong about making resolutions themselves...


It's because most women set these goals when motivation is at an all-time high (that new year smell is intoxicating).


So they neglect to consider the fact that at some point their motivation will dip...


And that their plan to "just do it" might not be a very effective strategy for staying committed to their goal when motivation is low.


BUT, if you set yourself up with the right kind of support from the start, the chances of you overcoming those fluctuations in motivation (because they WILL happen) becomes MUCH greater.


...Imagine the difference between hitting mile 18 in the NYC marathon and being surrounded by a screaming crowd AND a sea of other runners OR...being completely alone.


The support you have (or the lack of it) will often make or break your success.

Inside the Empowered Eating Blueprint, there are 5 foundational types of support that participants use to help them stay engaged and committed, even when things get tough.


But today I'm sharing with you the one that is most overlooked, yet often the most influential when it comes to making new habits stick.


And when you start giving your attention to this type of support, you might be surprised at how much easier it becomes to follow through with your goals for the new year.


And that type of support is...behaviors, or specifically,


DOMINO behaviors.


Domino behaviors are behaviors that impact other behaviors, both positively and negatively.


For example, when I prep my meals in advance, I'm more likely to stick to my workout schedule.


And when I forget to switch my phone to "do not disturb" mode during the work day, I end up checking it more often...which then leads to mindless scrolling.


So, if you want to increase the chances of doing the things you want to do (or of avoiding the things you don't want to do),


You need to work backwards to identify the domino behaviors that impact those other behaviors.


If you want to start working out in the morning, 


Maybe your domino behavior is going to bed early, or packing your gym bag the night before, or putting your phone to "sleep" outside of your bedroom.


If you want to start eating salads for lunch,


Maybe your domino behavior is packing it the night before, or scheduling grocery delivery for Sundays, or...working out in the morning.


If you start paying attention to the difference between the days when you're "on it" and the days when everything just falls apart,


You'll see how all of our behaviors are interconnected.


So when you find yourself struggling to "do the thing" at some point over the next month or two (because you will!),


One of the BEST things to do is to stop focusing so much on trying to "do the thing",


And instead, focus on doing the "thing before the thing"...


That first domino that gets you in motion and naturally increases your motivation to do that new behavior you're working on.


And when you do, you might be surprised by how much easier "doing the thing" becomes.


Coaching is another one of the 5 foundational types of support that sky rockets your chances for success...


Want to know more about how I can help YOU reach your 2024 goals?


👉 Book in a time to chat HERE.


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