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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

How to Uncomplicate Healthy Living

"The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook." — William James

What would living a healthy lifestyle look like if it were easy? Most of the women I talk to who are struggling with making healthy habits stick also LOVE to make things complicated. And they aren't alone. We humans tend to overcomplicate things. There’s even a term for it..."complexity bias". Have you ever decided to make some kind of change in your life, And after you got things going you were suddenly full of new ideas about ways to make that change even BETTER or MORE EFFECTIVE, So you started adding in extra rules or guidelines to "boost” to your results...?

👉 That's complexity bias in action.

Here’s an example when it comes to nutrition: Simple: author Michael Pollan’s advice to “eat food, not too much, mostly plants.” Versus... Complex: weighing and measuring everything, finding the “perfect” intermittent fasting ratio or breathing into an overpriced device every morning to measure your metabolism. If we are pressed to choose between two options – one that’s clear and simple, or one that’s complicated and with multiple steps – we usually choose the complex option. As a result, when we need to solve a problem (like say...making changes to our health), we often ignore simple solutions — thinking “that will never work”. The problem is that complex solutions are generally...complicated. Which means that they can be REALLY hard to keep up with over time. Now, don’t get me wrong. Some scenarios ARE a bit more complicated. Like, if you're an athlete training for a big event. Or if you are dealing with multiple health issues that require a more nuanced approach. But, the reality is that those scenarios are the minority. So, if your approach to improving your health has left you feeling stressed and overwhelmed, or is making it challenging to stay consistent...

👉 Then it’s time to SIMPLIFY.

Here are some ways to make your routine simple:

  1. Choose the simplest results-getting actions (the things that work for YOU)

  2. Make sure those actions fit your lifestyle & schedule

  3. Include activities and foods you enjoy

  4. Consider working with an expert to keep you focused & accountable (one that also has a streamlined program for PROVEN RESULTS)

The most important thing is that you choose actions that help you stay CONSISTENT not ones that keep you stuck in a constant state of CONFUSION! So if you’re ready to keep things simple and focus on what WORKS…without getting 1-on-1 and group coaching programs were created to help women just like you find the simplest and most sustainable path to their goals. Want to know more? Let's chat! You can book in a call HERE to learn how I can help you make this 'getting healthy' thing a whole lot less complicated.


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