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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

How to Stop Complicating Healthy Living

"Simplicity boils down to two steps. Identify the essential. Eliminate the rest." — Leo Babauta

In the health and wellness space, there's a trend of glorifying complicated interventions.


You can't just drink more water... 


You need to drink pH-balanced alkaline water, enhanced with Pink Himalayan Salt & electrolytes.


You can't just reduce your use of electronic devices before bed...


You need to wear blue light blocking glasses and install a special filter on your phone.


You can't just eat more vegetables...


You need to eat local, seasonal, organic, non-GMO vegetables.


I'm a National Board Certified Health Coach and even I find it all to be absolutely exhausting.


And while there MAY be times where you need a more complicated approach,


The BEGINNING is never one of those times.


Yet women will often delay taking action towards improving their health because they let themselves get bogged down by all the (absolutely unnecessary) nitty gritty details of WHAT to do.


When the reality is that in the beginning, the "what" doesn't matter all that much...


What matters most is simply getting started.


And when you strip away all the fluff,


The "WHAT" of healthy living isn't that complicated anyway.


  • Eat more protein, vegetables and fiber.

  • Get sufficient quality sleep.

  • Move your body in a variety of ways.

  • Nurture supportive relationships.

  • Connect to something bigger than yourself (nature, purpose, spirituality, etc)


Now you might be thinking to yourself, "It can't be so simple."


And if so, then I encourage you to ask yourself the following questions:


  1. Who said so? Why am I SO convinced that this has to be complicated? Am I basing this on facts? Or am I being influenced by marketing?

  2. What BENEFIT am I getting from insisting that this has to be complicated? What do I GAIN from not taking action on the simple stuff?

  3. What would happen if I let it be simple? How would my attitude and actions shift if I just focused on the basics and ignored the next big fad?


Earlier this week, I went live in my brand new private FB group "The Messy Practice" to talk about how complexity keeps you from making progress with your health goals and what you need to do to overcome this mental roadblock.


So if you've been "majoring in the minors"...but never graduating to the next class, 


👉 Go HERE to join the group and watch the training.




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