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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

How to Persevere Through Failure

"I can't ___

...stop snacking... ...stick to an exercise plan... ...meditate... ...go to a party without drinking... ...hold boundaries at work... ...prepare healthy meals... ...lose weight... ...I've already tried it before and it didn't work." How many times have you told yourself something similar to the above?

I get it because it's an easy thought pattern to fall into.

But if past failures were any indicator of future success then what about,

Oprah Winfrey, who was fired from her first TV anchor job?

Or Michael Jordan, who was cut from his high school basketball team?

Or Stephen King, whose book Carrie was rejected 30 TIMES...?

If it's been proven over and over again that one can fail (multiple times even), and still succeed,

Then why are you letting your failed attempts at improving your health keep you from trying again?

Instead of doing what Oprah, Michael and Stephen did,

And letting your failures be your teachers?

Letting them,

👉 Expose your blind spots.

👉 Help you learn more about yourself.

👉 Show you where you still have work to do.

So that you can improve your skills, craft a better plan,

nd then TRY AGAIN,

With more experience, more knowledge and a better understanding of what DOESN'T work for you.

And rather than throwing your hands up in the air and declaring "it's hopeless" because what you've tried SO FAR hasn't worked,

Wouldn't it be more helpful to focus on how you could do things differently so that you can finally get the results you want? 🤔

Because what got you here, won't get you there.

So if your past attempts at getting healthy have failed,

It doesn't mean that YOU are a failure.

It just means that you haven't succeeded YET.

So, you can continue to let your failures control you, hold you back and keep you stuck,

Or you can let them be your teachers,

To let them open your eyes to a new perspective and lead you to a better way.

Which one are you going to choose?

Master ⛓ or Teacher 👩‍🏫?

Let me know in the comments below! 👇


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