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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

How to Overcome Cravings

"Eat when you’re hungry, and feel what you feel when you’re not." – Geneen Roth

Have you ever had a really solid day of healthy eating,


Only to find yourself feeling "snacky" by the time evening comes?


You might try to ignore the cravings for awhile,


Tell yourself not to "ruin" the great day that you had,


But eventually you give in and have that bit of chocolate or chips or cookies that you couldn't stop thinking about.


If this happens a few days a week,


You might think that you have a problem with eating sweets or "junk food".


But the food is almost never the problem.

Instead, it's often the solution to a problem.

Just like scrolling social media can be a solution to distract yourself from feelings of boredom or loneliness, 


Eating is a common SOLUTION to distract ourselves from uncomfortable emotions.

And if you keep thinking that eating sweets or "junk food" is the PROBLEM, 


Then you’ll keep putting your energy into solutions that focus on NOT eating those foods, like dieting.

But if you want to solve the real problem, 


You need to put your energy into solutions that focus on improving your ability to navigate uncomfortable emotions.

And how do you do that?


By changing your relationship to discomfort.


When you learn to embrace discomfort, rather than run from it, you can develop a healthier, more resilient mindset that addresses the core issues that are driving your emotional eating.


👉 Join me LIVE Today at 1pm EDT inside my private Facebook group, for part 4 of this month's 4-part series on "Putting a STOP to Self-Sabotage", where I'm talking about how to get more comfortable with being uncomfortable so that you can not only overcome cravings, but finally make progress with your health and wellness goals.


If you can't make it live, the recording will be available inside the group, but you'll have to be a member to access it.


Click here to join!






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