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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

How to Get Out of All Or Nothing Thinking

"Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Lower the bar. Actually spending ten minutes clearing off one shelf is better than fantasizing about spending a weekend cleaning out the basement." – Gretchen Rubin

I almost didn't write this post.


The past few days have been busier than normal.


And I could have easily used that as a reason for why I "couldn't" write something this week.


But instead, I decided to do some self coaching and examine the thought of "I'm too busy".


It went a little something like this:


Am I really "too busy" to write?


How much time do I think I need?


Because I DO have 15 minutes right now.


What's keeping me from using those 15 minutes?


That's when I heard a nagging voice in the back of my head say...


"That's not enough."


And now we're at the root of the problem,


👉 All-or-nothing, perfectionist thinking.


Which in this situation looked like,


"If I don't have a full hour to write, then there's no point in writing at all. Because whatever I come up with in that limited time won't be 'good enough'."


I'm willing to bet that you've had similar thoughts,


Maybe not about writing, but about exercise, or meal prep, or meditation, or sleep...


I'm willing to bet that sometime in the past week you've had a thought that dismissed the option that WAS available to you because you labeled it as "not good enough".


10 minute walk...not good enough.

Drinking an extra glass of water...not good enough.

5 minutes of meditation...not good enough.


But, last time I checked...


More is still more. 

And better is still better.


So if the options available to you right now are do nothing OR do a small something,


Wouldn't it make the most sense to do...something?


Because a bunch of nothing adds up to nothing.


But a bunch of small somethings...those add up to big change.




So today I'm here to remind you that,


ANY positive step toward your goal is a step worth taking.


No matter how small or imperfect. 



Do you tend to get stuck in all-or-nothing thinking when it comes to your eating habits? 


If so,


👉 Join me LIVE Today at 1:30pm EDT inside my private Facebook group, for part 1 of this month's 2-part series on "Celebrating Summer Without Going Overboard", where I'll be sharing 6 strategies to help you navigate summer's social events so that you can stay on track with your health and wellness goals and still have fun. 


If you can't make it live, the recording will be available inside the group, but you'll have to be a member to access it.


Click here to join!


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