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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

How to Build Healthy Meals Without Following a Meal Plan

"Stay committed to your decisions, but flexible in your approach." – Tony Robbins

It often surprises people to hear that I don't give my clients meal plans.


In fact, I don't tell my clients what to eat at all.


There are many reasons why, but the biggest one is that


Simply telling someone WHAT to do doesn't teach them the SKILLS they need to be able DO that thing.


And there are a PLETHORA of Pinterest fails to support this very point...

 It often surprises people to hear that I don't give my clients meal plans.



What I do give my clients is a set of tools to help them develop the skills they need to build healthy meals without being bound to a rigid meal plan.


And one of the most valuable skills I help my clients develop is mental flexibility the ability to find new solutions and see situations in more than one way.


One of my favorite tools for developing mental flexibility is to challenge clients to make a "MacGyver Meal",


Which consists of putting together a balanced meal (a balanced meal = protein, starchy carb, fruit/vegetable and fat) with whatever they already have on hand.




Having a "perfectly" calculated meal plan ISN'T going to help you figure out what to eat,


  • When the salad greens you planned on having for dinner went bad without you realizing.

  • When you forgot to take the chicken out of the freezer and you're starving NOW.

  • After you just got home from vacation and haven't gone grocery shopping.


But, having the mental flexibility to be able to whip something together without any advanced planning IS.


Here's a "MacGyver Meal" I made last week after coming home from a ladies' trip in Mexico and finding that our refrigerator was BARE (thanks hubby 😜). 



When making a "MacGyver Meal", I usually start by figuring out my protein options first. 


In this case the pickings were slim, but we had some cans of tuna in the pantry.


While scrounging around in the pantry, I also found a jar of roasted red peppers and a box of Goodles Cheddy Mac (a "healthier" mac and cheese made with chickpea pasta, which, if you haven't tried before, is decent...not mind blowing...but decent).


Then I found some frozen chopped spinach and a small block of shredded cheddar. 


✅ Protein: Tuna (plus bonus protein from the chickpea pasta)

✅ Starchy carb: Chickpea pasta

✅ Vegetable: Spinach and roasted red peppers

✅ Fat: Cheese


I also added garlic powder and black pepper for flavor. 




A balanced meal with ZERO advanced planning thanks to developing the skill of mental flexibility.


If you're up for the challenge, I encourage you to rummage through your pantry and/or freezer to see what kind of "MacGyver Meal" you can come up with today (send me a pic when you do!).


And if you want to know what steps to take to develop your mental flexibility AND the other skills you need to reach your health goals without rigid meal plans,


👉 Join me TONIGHT at 6:30pm EDT for my free live masterclass "The Secret to Making Healthy Eating Habits Stick" where I'll give you my proven 5-step system to make healthy eating an unstoppable habit...even if you’ve tried and failed at 3 or more diets in the past.


I won't be hosting this event again for over a month, so if you want to see results before summer starts, 


Click here to get registered!




P.S. There will be some special bonuses for joining me LIVE tonight, but if you already have something else on your calendar, the recording will be available to everyone who registers (for a limited time).


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