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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

How to Become More Disciplined

"Personal accountability requires mindfulness, acceptance, honesty and courage." — Shelby Martin


I'm curious...


Have you ever told yourself that you were going to do something,


Like workout, wake up early, say "no" to a second glass of wine,


And then not follow through with it?


I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that you have.


...because we ALL have.


Sometimes we don't follow through on our commitments for legitimate reasons,


Like getting a flat tire on the way to the gym.


But most of the time it boils down to an inability to manage what's going on inside our heads.


You know...


The voice that says,


You can workout tomorrow.

Just 5 more minutes.

Another glass won't hurt.


Many woman think that there's something wrong with them for having that voice.


And that it's a sign they don't have discipline.


But what if I told you that EVERYONE experiences mental resistance...


...yes...even your favorite fit-fluencer...


It's just that some of us have more skills for managing that resistance.


And like learning to play the piano or speak Italian,


Those skills can be developed with practice.


You see, "discipline" isn't a character trait you either have or you don't,


It's the outcome you get from developing a certain skillset.


So, if you struggle to follow through on the things that you say you'll do,


Chances are you don't lack "discipline",


You lack the SKILLS required to manage your mind.


But here's the thing,


Skill development takes time.


So, until you have the ABILITY, you need to get ACCOUNTABILITY.


Until you have the ability to do that evening workout, even when your brain is telling you to skip and make it up tomorrow...


Until you have the ability to wake up early, even when your brain is telling you to hit snooze one more time...


Until you have the ability to have just one drink, even when your brain is telling you a second glass wouldn't hurt..


You need something or someone to help hold you accountable to those actions.




Accountability on it's own isn't enough.


It needs to be combined with skill building.


Otherwise, once the accountability is gone...


When your workout buddy needs to change gyms, 

Or that 30-day challenge ends,


You'll find yourself in the same place,


Struggling to follow through with your commitments because of your inability to manage what's going on in your mind. 


So, if you don't have the ABILITY right now to overcome the mental resistance that keeps you from following through on your intentions,


Then make sure to get yourself ACCOUNTABILITY until you do.


While at the same time, building the skills you need to eventually manage your mind on your own. 




Need some accountability AND some help with building those "mental management" skills?


👉 Book in a time to chat HERE.



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