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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

How Do Your Habits Measure Up? Take This Quick Quiz to Find Out

You may have noticed that I like to talk about keeping things simple when it comes to getting and staying healthy. Often when a client hits a stallpoint in their progress, there's a reaction of: "But I'm doing everything right! Maybe I need to cut out carbs...or start fasting...or give up sugar...???" 😫😫😫 However, after some detective work we usually find that they just got a bit lax on one or more of the basic healthy habits. #oops Which is why I’ve got a little self-audit for you today. Raise your hand if you love a “how am I doing?” quiz! 🙋‍♀️ This quick assessment is a great way to let you know if you're on track with your habits OR if you need to double down on the basics after a lackadaisical summer. How to take this quiz: Think about your past week, then answer the questions based on your actions (not your intentions! 😉), and keep track of your “score” as you go. Over the past 7 days, how many days did you: Exercise for at least 20 minutes? 1 - 0-1 days 2 - 2 days 3 - 3 days 4 - 4 days 5 - 5+ days Get at least 7 hours of sleep? 1 - 0-1 days 2 - 2 days 3 - 3 days 4 - 4 days 5 - 5+ days Drink at least 8 glasses (~80 oz) of water? 1 - 0-1 days 2 - 2 days 3 - 3 days 4 - 4 days 5 - 5+ days Eat fruit and/or veggies at every meal? 1 - 0-1 days 2 - 2 days 3 - 3 days 4 - 4 days 5 - 5+ days Eat at least 20 grams of protein at every meal? 1 - 0-1 days 2 - 2 days 3 - 3 days 4 - 4 days 5 - 5+ days Work on self-development, journal, meditate or spend time in nature? 1 - 0-1 days 2 - 2 days 3 - 3 days 4 - 4 days 5 - 5+ days Now…tally up that score!

How did YOU do? (NOTE: There is no failing this quiz – it’s simply getting honest with yourself about where you're at right now.) 25-30 points – AWESOME! You’re on fire with your healthy habits. Keep up the amazing work! 🙌 19-24 points – Doing pretty well…but it might be time to look at 1-2 of your habits to see if they need adjusting so you don’t lose any of the progress you’ve made. 👌 Less than 18 points – It’s time to do some self-reflection and brainstorm next steps. What’s important to you right now? Do you need a new goal to get excited about? 🤔 No matter what your score is, I'm here to help you take the next step. If you want to know more about what it would be like to work together, book in a call HERE so we can have a quick chat!


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