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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Give Thanks by Giving Your Attention

"What if today, we were just grateful for everything?" — Charlie Brown

I often joke with my Spanish tutor about how extra the Spanish translation of some words are.

Take for example, Thanksgiving.

In English it's short, simple and pretty easy to say.

In Spanish however, it's El Día de Acción de Gracias. 🙄

Like I said, extra.

BUT, there's something valuable to be found in all the extra-ness of the translation.

👉 Acción = ACTION

So today I come to you with a reminder to ACTIVELY express gratitude for all the amazing things in your life right now.

From the big stuff like your relationships, a roof over your head and indoor plumbing.

To the tiny things like your favorite sweater, a handy gadget that makes your day easier or Ted Lasso (#thebest).

It's all pretty wonderful when you choose it see it that way.

And my hope for you is that regardless of what's on your plate tomorrow or with whom you are eating, you choose to actively acknowledge and appreciate the good stuff in your life.

Because there's a lot of good stuff.

Yeah...there's some crappy stuff in there too. I'm not pretending there isn't.

But having that crappy stuff doesn't negate the good stuff.

Because life doesn't work like a simple balance sheet.

...Even if we tend to think that it does.

So we often tally up the good stuff and the crappy stuff and then use whichever there's more of to judge the quality of our lives.

But there's a different way to think about it...

And it's that the thing that wins out isn't the one that there's more of, it's the thing that we give more of our ATTENTION to.

So...practice giving your attention to the good stuff this week. ❤️

And while we are on the topic of giving attention to the good stuff...I'm taking a little break from these weekly posts to give my attention to friends and family.

I'll be returning on December 14th, but in my absence, here are some past posts that you may find helpful during this time of year:

  • If you are anxious about being surrounded by lots of decadent foods, check out this post.

  • If you're torn about whether or not to "stick to diet" or "cheat" during holiday meals, check out this post.

  • If you're feeling pressure to get everything "just right" over the holidays, check out this post.

  • If you find yourself feeling guilty over your foods choices, check out this post.

  • And if you need a few more reminders on the power of gratitude, check out this post and this post.

Oh, and one more thing!

If you'd like a little more help than what you'll find in those posts,

There is ONE week left to make a donation to my Feeding America campaign and receive a 1-on-1 coaching session as my thanks to you.

This offer expires next Wednesday 11/30, but this is the last reminder I'll be sending.

👉 Go HERE to make a donation and claim your session.


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