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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Finding Your Balance Between the Extremes

"Everybody's middle way is a different middle way." — Pema Chödrön

The health and wellness industry is full of black/white kind of messaging.


When it comes to weight loss,


On one end we have the body positivity/health at every size camp telling you that if you want to lose weight then you've been brainwashed by the patriarchy...


While on the other end we have the bodybuilding/fitness model camp telling you that "obesity is a choice" and that if you can't shred cheese on your abs then you're just a lazy POS.




When it comes to eating habits,


On one end we have the intuitive eating camp telling you that if you just give yourself unconditional permission to eat whatever/whenever you want then all of your food problems will be solved...


While on the other end we have the "if it fits your macros" camp telling you to bring your food scale on vacation so that you can "stay on track while still having fun!".




When it comes to fitness,


On one end we have the "go hard or go home" camp telling you that if you didn't puke during your workout then it didn't count...


While on the other end we have the "joyful movement" camp telling you that you need to "be gentle with your body" and not to push past the point of comfort.




In practically any domain of wellness you can think of, there are completely polarizing opinions about what you "should" or "shouldn't" do.


And if you find yourself confused or exhausted from trying to decide which side to listen to,


You aren't alone.


The majority of the women I work with come to me because they're tired of feeling like they can only choose between two (extreme) options...


And if you feel the same way, I have some great news for you,


YAHOO! 🥳 You.Always.Have.Other.Options.


You can love and appreciate your body AND want to lose weight.

You can connect to your internal hunger/fullness cues AND be mindful of macros/portion sizes.

You can push yourself in your workouts AND do Zumba for fun.


You can find a balance between the extremes.

You can create your own "middle way".


For some, moving towards the middle might mean giving themselves MORE structure, MORE boundaries and setting HIGHER expectations.


For others, it might mean giving themselves MORE grace, MORE flexibility and the permission to do LESS.


Which is why there is no "right" middle way, but there is a middle way that's going to be right for YOU.


So today I encourage you to take an inventory of the social media accounts you follow, the publications you read, your primary sources of health/wellness information and ask yourself...


Are they empowering me to find MY way...?

...or are they convincing me to follow THEIR way?



 Want some help in creating your own "middle way"? 


Book a call to find out if coaching is a good fit for you.


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