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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Feeling Stuck? You Have Options.

"We act like wind-up toys, repeatedly bumping into the same walls, never realizing there may be an open door just to our right or our left." — Susan David

Yesterday I was on a coaching call with a client who expressed feeling overwhelmed, depressed and STUCK.

This was followed by the usual self-flagellating of "I should" statements.

I should be able to get myself out of this.

I should be able to figure it out.

I should stop feeling sorry for myself.

I should, I should, I should...

We’ve all felt like this at some point. You want to get out of it, but you just can’t.

It's like you're drowning.

Then comes the anxiety.

And the fear.

You feel powerless, confused and...stuck.

But what if being stuck isn’t the problem?

What if being stuck is just a normal part of life?

And the real problem is that you keep trying to fight it?

And in the fighting and the "should-ing" you are closing yourself off to all the options available to you, options you can't see because your vision is being clouded by panic. This GIF is one of my absolute favorites because:

1 - It's adorable and

2 - It is a beautiful metaphor for these "stuck" times in our lives

If we would only just calm the f$*& down we'd be able to see that most of the time the solution to our problems is pretty simple.

Sometimes so simple that the people around us are simultaneously amused and befuddled that we can't see it for ourselves.

Because to them it's painfully obvious.

But when you are in full on panic mode, screaming and crying with your eyes closed, it feels like there are NO OPTIONS.

But there are ALWAYS options.

And sometimes the solution is as simple as, just stand up.

But if you refuse to accept that feeling stuck is normal,

And if you keep fighting and resisting and "should-ing" yourself,

You won't be able to see all the options you have right in front of you.

So, if you are feeling a bit stuck,

And you think it "shouldn't" be that way,


Show yourself some compassion.

Remind yourself that it's normal to feel stuck but that actually being stuck is ALL IN YOUR HEAD.

Breathe a big sigh of relief.

And just stand up.


I have 2 spots available for my 12 week "Reset & Recharge" body and mind transformation program. So if you've been feeling a bit stuck lately and want some help to get yourself going again book in a call HERE to see if Reset and Recharge is a good fit for you.


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