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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Embracing Challenges Along Your Health Journey

"The days you are most uncomfortable are the days you learn the most about yourself." — Mary L. Bean

A few years ago (8 if we're counting) I had my first ever boxing match.

And it was an experience.

It took place at the PlayStation theater in Times Square.

There were ~1,000 people in attendance.

I had a walk out a song (Metallica's Seek and Destroy, obviously).

I was announced with my nickname ("Ice Cold").

Oh yeah...and I got punched...A LOT.

A different kind of before and after picture...

My preparation for the fight was as you'd expect,

Cardio, strength and boxing specific training...including sparring sessions.

Now, if you want to get the most from a sparring session, you need to choose your partner carefully.

Sparring with someone who is less skilled than you might be a nice boost to the ego, but it won't help you get better.

If your sparring partner goes easy on you, you risk walking into you fight overconfident and unprepared.

You need someone who will challenge you so that you can grow. But this doesn't just apply inside the ring.

We NEED difficult challenges in order to improve in all areas of life.

What is your relationship to difficulty?

Do you see it as negative?

Something to avoid?

Or, do you see it as an opportunity?

Something to embrace?

I'll be honest, I DID NOT enjoy my sparring sessions.

They were hard and uncomfortable.

And I was intimidated to be facing someone with so much more experience than myself.

But...I did them anyway.

Because I knew that making myself uncomfortable was the only way I was going to get better.

So even though I dreaded EVERY sparring session, I was ALWAYS glad I did them, despite being a bit beat up (mentally and physically) afterwards.

Because those moments of intentional discomfort helped me grow exponentially, and not just as a boxer.

Think about the difficulties you are facing right now.

Are you angry, sad or frustrated that they are present in your life?

Or, are you grateful that they've created an opportunity for you to learn and to evolve?

Because if you want to improve your health, your life, your career, your love life,

You'll need to change your relationship to difficulty and treat it like a valuable sparring partner...

The kind of challenger that will knock you down over and over until you finally learn to keep your hands up...

...while also giving you a big sweaty hug at the end of the bout. 😜

So, are YOU getting in the ring?


And for those of you that are curious, I lost that fight by decision. BUT what I learned in the process was worth ALL (and there was a lot) of the blood, sweat and tears.


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