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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Do You Think Losing Weight Will "Fix" Things?

“The scale can only give you a numerical reflection of your relationship with gravity. That’s it. It cannot measure beauty, talent, purpose, life force, possibility, strength, or love.” — Steve Maraboli

Do you know this woman?


Hazel eyes

Dirty blonde hair


She thinks she's not thin enough.

She thinks she's not pretty enough.

She thinks she's not smart enough.

She's unhappy.

She lacks confidence.

She is constantly searching for validation.'s me. Well, the old me.

Me in 2009. "Healthy" on the outside, miserable on the inside.

When I moved to NYC in 2004 I was definitely not your poster child for health.

I didn't exercise and my diet consisted of frozen pizza, macaroni and cheese, Taco Bell, Pepsi and a ton of whiskey.

I was about 20lbs heavier than I ever had been and more importantly, I was sad.

I thought losing weight would "fix" things.

So in 2005 I joined a gym and hired a personal trainer.

I started weighing and measuring all of my food.

I stopped drinking.

And I lost weight.

But it didn't fix things.

If anything it just gave me a different outlet to channel my self-loathing and shame.

It helped me better disguise how poorly I thought of myself.

But changing things on the outside, didn't help me change things on the inside.

And it wasn't until I started to question:

👉 All the limiting beliefs I held onto for so many years

👉 Why I was trying so desperately to be "thin"

👉 Why I cared so much about what other people thought

👉 Why I thought I deserved punishment rather than nourishment

That things really changed for me.

Listen, eating well and exercising are AWESOME.

But they are more awesome when they are done from a place of self-love, not self-hatred.

When your motivation is to take care of yourself rather than to "fix" yourself.

When you celebrate your progress rather than constantly comparing it to someone else's.

My 8-week Start with Self-Love program is getting started this coming Monday, March 15th and there is still time to join.

This program means so much to me because I know what it's like to think that you aren't "good enough" and to be fooled by the belief that the way to be "good enough" is to get skinnier.

I've been there and like I said, it didn't work.

But there's also nothing wrong with wanting to lose weight and to feel healthy and strong.

And Start with Self-Love with help you generate the inner transformation that will lay the foundation for an outer transformation.

Because weight loss that is born from a place of genuine self-love, it is the BEST kind of weight loss.

If you are ready to try a holistic approach to better health, one that goes beyond just physical health — but encompasses mental, spiritual AND emotional health as well, then reply to this email to join me in Start with Self-Love.


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