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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Do You Have a Problem With Food?

"We eat the way we eat because we are afraid to feel what we feel" — Geneen Roth

If you are currently struggling to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight, then chances are you often find yourself doing one or more of the following:

  • Giving in to cravings for "junk" food, despite your best efforts to eat healthy

  • Eating past fullness, to the point of discomfort

  • Feeling guilty after an overly indulgent meal

And if this is the case,

Then you might think that you have a problem with food.

And when you believe that food is the problem,

You will most likely look towards things like diets, fasts and cleanses as a solution.

But what if I told you that food isn't actually your problem...

👉 It's your solution to a problem.

It's a solution to help you combat feelings of boredom, sadness and stress.

It's a solution to help you feel connected, happy and fulfilled.

And right now, it's probably the best solution you've got.

Which is why traditional diets don't work.

Because they teach you to see food as the enemy when in reality,

It's your strongest defense.

And what happens when you remove the strongest defense you have?

You lose the battle.

So you can continue to put your focus on food by removing all the snacks from your house or cutting out "bad" carbs,

But until you develop NEW solutions to the recurring problems in your life,

You will keep turning to the ONE solution that has the strongest track record for

Inside my Think, Love, Thrive Method, clients not only learn a simple system for healthy eating,

They also build a toolbox of skills and strategies to help overcome life's challenges, without relying on food as their primary solution.


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