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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Clark

Do You Feel Like Throwing in the Towel?

"You just can't beat the person who never gives up." — Babe Ruth

Welp...summer is officially over my friends. Some of you might be looking forward to pumpkin spice everything and cooler temperatures, while others are dreading darker mornings and snowy dog walks (#itsme 🙋‍♀️). Regardless of which camp you're in,

We're down to the last quarter of the year.

Which means it's a great time to do a check-in on the goals you set for 2022. If you feel good about your progress so far, take a moment to celebrate your efforts! 🙌 But if you’re feeling disappointed because you've fallen behind, now's the time to regroup. I know you might be thinking that there's no point...the holidays are right around the corner and things are going to get you should just call this year a wash and start fresh in 2023...right? But let me ask you something...

Have you ever heard of a 4th quarter comeback?

Now sports aren't really my thing (major understatement)...but I know enough to confidently say that: ➡️ The team that comes out on top isn't the one that thinks..."well, since we're losing we should probably call it quits and just try to play better next time...who wants pie?" And... ➡️ The die hard fans will keep cheering for their team even when they fall behind. So, instead of throwing in the towel,

1 - Get your head back in the game.

Yes, this is a busier time of year for most people. But that doesn't mean that hitting your goal(s) is impossible. It does mean that you need to be strategic with how you spend your time and energy. Look back at the past 9 months... What HAS worked for you? What HASN'T? How can you maximize the stuff that has worked and either tweak or eliminate the stuff that hasn't?

And 2 - Lean on your "die hard fans".

When your confidence and motivation are low, turn to the people that are always in your corner. Maybe it's a partner, best friend, workout buddy... Let their belief in you carry you on the days when you're struggling. And if you're missing that support in your life, GO FIND IT. Hire a coach, join an accountability group or simply ASK the people closest to you for the help that you need. As this fourth quarter starts, come out blazing. Don't quit with this much time left on the clock. Because you need to stay in the game to have any chance of winning the game.

Aaaanddd...I think I've exceeded my limit of sports analogies for the year 😜


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